
Words for fox in Celtic languages.

Old Irish (Goídelc) sinnach / sindach = fox
Irish (Gaeilge) sionnach [ˈʃɪn̪ˠəx / ʃɪˈn̪ˠɑx / ˈʃɪn̪ˠax] = fox
Scottish Gaelic (Gàidhlig) sionnach [ˈʃun̪ˠəx] / seannach [ˈʃan̪ˠəx] = fox, bagpipe reed
Manx (Gaelg) shynnagh = fox

Etymology: unknown

Irish (Gaeilge) madra rua [madəɣ ‘r̪ˠuəɣ] = fox, red fox
Scottish Gaelic (Gàidhlig) madadh-ruadh [madəɣ ‘r̪ˠuəɣ] = fox, red fox

Etymology: from the Old Irish madrad (dog) and the rúad (red) [source].

Scottish Gaelic (Gàidhlig) balgair [bal̪ˠagɛrʲ] = fox

Etymology: unknown.

Proto-Celtic *loɸernos = fox
Gaulish *louernos = fox
Old Irish (Goídelc) loarn = fox
Proto-Brythonic llowern = fox
Old Welsh louern = fox
Middle Welsh (Kymraec) llewyrn = fox
Welsh (Cymraeg) llewyrn = foxes
Old Cornish louuern = fox
Cornish (Kernewek) lowarn = fox
Old Breton louuern = fox
Middle Breton louarn = fox
Breton (Brezhoneg) louarn [ˈluː.aʁn] / luhern = fox

Etymology: from Proto-Indo-European *h₂wlop- (fox) [source].

Welsh (Cymraeg) llwynog [ˈɬʊɨ̯nɔɡ] = fox, a cunning, craft or willy person, bundle
llwynoges = vixen, female fox
llwynogyn = little fox

Etymology: from llwyn (bush, shrub, brake, thicket, copse, grove, arbour, woods, forest) and the suffix -og, from Latin lignum (firewood, tree), Proto-Indo-European *leǵ-no- (that which is collected) [source].

Welsh (Cymraeg) cadno [ˈkadnɔ] = fox; craft person, foxy, deceptive day; bundle of straw used for constructing an air passage in a stack of corn not well-seasoned; skid, scotch, trigger
cadnawes = vixen, female fox

Etymology: probably from the personal name Cadno, from cad (battle), from the Proto-Celtic *katus (battle), from the Proto-Indo-European *kéh₃tus (fight); and the suffix -no, from the Proto-Celtic *gnāw- (knowing) [source].

Words marked with a * are reconstructions.

Sources: Wiktionary, Am Faclair Beag, MacBain’s Dictionary, In Dúil Bélrai English – Old-Irish Glossary,, On-Line Manx Dictionary, Geiriadur Prifysgol Cymru, Gerlyver Kernewek, Dictionnaire Favereau



Words for ant and related things in Celtic languages.

Formica cf. rufibarbis

Words marked with a * are reconstructions.

Old Irish (Goídelc) sengán = ant
Middle Irish (Gaoidhealg) sengán, seangan = ant
Irish (Gaeilge) seangán = ant
seangánach = full of ants
nead seangán = anthill
Scottish Gaelic (Gàidhlig) seangan [ʃɛŋgan] = ant, mean fellow
seangan ‘nad bhriogais = to be fidgety, have the jtters (ants in your breeches)
seangananach [ʃɛŋganəx] = pertaining to or abounding in small ants
Manx (Gaelg) sniengan = ant
snienganagh = ant-infested, formic
crongan sniengan = anthill

Etymology: possibly from the Old Irish seng (thin, slender. meagre) [source].

Proto-Celtic *morwis = ant
Old Irish (Goídelc) moirb [morʲvʲ] = ant
Middle Irish (Gaoidhealg) moirb = ant
Middle Welsh (Kymraec) myr = ant
myrion = ants
morgrug, morcrug = ants
morgrugyn, morcrugyon = ant
Welsh (Cymraeg) mŷr, myrr [mɨːr/miːr] = ant
myrion = ants
myrdwyn = anthill
morgrug [ˈmɔrɡrɨ̞ɡ / ˈmɔrɡrɪɡ] = ants (from mŷr [ant] and crug [hill])
morgrugyn = ant
morgrugaidd, morgrugol = ant-like pertaining to ants, formic
Old Cornish menƿionen = ant
Middle Cornish (Cernewec) menwionen, meuwionen = ant, emmet
Cornish (Kernewek) moryonen = ant, tourists
moryoner = anteater
Old Breton moriuon = ant
Middle Breton (Brezonec) meryen = ant
Breton (Brezhoneg) merien [ˈmɛr.jɛn] = ants
merionenn = ant
merionaer = anteater
merieneg [mɛ.ˈrjẽː.nɛk] = anthill

Etymology: from the Proto-Indo-European *morwi- (ant). Words from the same roots include formic (pertaining to ants) and pismire (ant – archaic) in English, fourmi (ant) in French, mier (ant) in Dutch, maur (ant) in Icelandic and myra (ant) in Swedish [source].

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Sources: Wiktionary, Am Faclair Beag, Online Manx Dictionary,, eDIL – Electronic Dictionary of the Irish Language, In Dúil Bélrai English – Old Irish glossary, Geiriadur Prifysgol Cymru, Gerlyver Kernewek, Dictionaire Favereau, TermOfis, English – ProtoCeltic WordList (PDF), Etymological Dictionary Of Proto Celtic

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Words for squirrel in Celtic languages.

Proto-Celtic wiweros = squirrel
Old Irish (Goídelc) íaru = squirrel
Irish (Gaeilge) iora = squirrel
Scottish Gaelic (Gàidhlig) feòrag [fjɔːrag] = squirrel
Manx (Gaelg) fiorag = squirrel
Proto-Brythonic gwɨwer = squirrel
Middle Welsh (Kymraec) gwiwair, gwiweir = squirrel
Welsh (Cymraeg) gwiwer [ˈɡwɪu̯.ɛr / ˈɡwɪu̯.ar] = squirrel
Cornish (Kernewek) gwiwer = squirrel
Breton (Brezhoneg) gwiñver = squirrel

Etymology: from the Proto-Indo-European *wer- (squirrel, stoat) [source].

In Manx a squirrel is also a roddan biljagh (“tree rat”).

Words marked with a * are reconstructions.

Sources: Wiktionary, Am Faclair Beag, MacBain’s Dictionary, In Dúil Bélrai English – Old-Irish Glossary,, On-Line Manx Dictionary, Geiriadur Prifysgol Cymru, Gerlyver Kernewek, Dictionnaire Favereau

Here’s a tune I wrote called The Scampering Squirrels / Y Gwiwerod sy’n Prancio:

Red Squirrel

Water Dogs

Words for otter in Celtic languages.

Proto-Celtic *dubrokū = otter, beaver
Old Irish (Goídelc) doburchú [ˈdovurˌxuː] = otter
dobrán = otter, beaver
Irish (Gaeilge) dobharchú = otter
dobhrán = otter, dull-witted, stupid, person
Scottish Gaelic (Gàidhlig) dobhar-chù [do.ərxu] = otter
dòbhran [dɔːran] = otter
Manx (Gaelg) dooarchoo = otter, beaver
Proto-Celtic *düβrgi = otter, beaver
Middle Welsh (Kymraec) deuerky, deifyrgi, dyfyrgi, dwfyrgi = otter
Welsh (Cymraeg) dyfrgi [ˈdəvrɡɪ / ˈdəvrɡi] = otter
dyfrast = she-otter
dwrgi = otter
ci dŵr = otter
Old Cornish doferghi = otter
Middle Cornish dofergi = otter
Cornish (Kernewek) dowrgi = otter
Breton (Brezhoneg) dourgi = otter

Etymology: from the Proto-Celtic *dubros (water) and *kū (dog) [source].

The words for water beginning with d in the Goidelic languages only appear in this compound.

Irish (Gaeilge) madra uisce [ˈmˠad̪ˠɾˠə ˈɪʃcɪ] = otter
Scottish Gaelic (Gàidhlig) madadh-uisge [ˈmadəɣ ˈɯʃgʲə] = otter
Manx (Gaelg) moddey ushtey = otter

Etymology: from the Old Irish madrad /matrad (dog); and the Old Irish uisce (water), from the Proto-Celtic *udenskyos (water), from the Proto-Indo-European *wódr̥ (water) [source].

Words marked with a * are reconstructions.

Sources: Wiktionary, Am Faclair Beag, MacBain’s Dictionary, In Dúil Bélrai English – Old-Irish Glossary,, On-Line Manx Dictionary, Geiriadur Prifysgol Cymru, Gerlyver Kernewek, Dictionnaire Favereau



Words for bear in Celtic languages.

Proto-Celtic *artos = bear
Noric *𐌀𐌓𐌕𐌄(𐌁𐌖𐌈𐌆) (Arte(budz)) = bear(?)
Gaulish *artio = bear
Old Irish (Goídelc) art [ar͈t] = bear, hero, warrior
Scottish Gaelic (Gàidhlig) art [ar̪ˠʃd] = bear (archaic), hero
Proto-Brythonic *arθ [arθ] = bear
Middle Welsh (Kymraec) arth [arθ] = bear
Welsh (Cymraeg) arth [arθ] = bear, fierce or rough person
Cornish (Kernewek) arth [ɒɹθ] = bear
Old Breton ard / arth = bear
Breton (Brezhoneg) arzh = bear

Etymology: from the Proto-Indo-European *h₂ŕ̥tḱos (bear) [Source].

Scottish Gaelic (Gàidhlig) ursa [ur̪ˠsə] = bear
Cornish (Kernewek) ors = bear
Breton (Brezhoneg) ourz = ourz

Etymology: possibly from the Latin ursa (she-bear), from ursus (bear), from the Proto-Italic *orssos (bear), from Proto-Indo-European *h₂ŕ̥tḱos (bear) [Source].

Old Irish (Goídelc) mathgamain [ˈmaθɣəṽənʲ] = bear
Irish (Gaeilge) mathúin [ˈmˠahuːnʲ] = bear
Scottish Gaelic (Gàidhlig) mathan [ˈmahan] = bear
Manx (Gaelg) maghouin = bear

Etymology: from the Old Irish math (good) and gamuin (calf) [Source].

Words marked with a * are reconstructions.

Sources: Wiktionary, Am Faclair Beag, MacBain’s Dictionary, In Dúil Bélrai English – Old-Irish Glossary,, On-Line Manx Dictionary, Geiriadur Prifysgol Cymru, Gerlyver Kernewek, Dictionnaire Favereau



Words for to eat in Celtic languages.

Proto-Celtic *essi = to eat
Old Irish (Goídelc) ithid [ˈiθʲiðʲ] = to eat
Irish (Gaeilge) ith [ɪ / ɪh] = to eat, feed, graze, bite, corrode, erode, consume, destroy, abuse, scold, revile, chew
Scottish Gaelic (Gàidhlig) ith [iç] = to eat, gnaw, chew, devour, corrode, consume
Manx (Gaelg) ee [i] = to eat, devour, feed, erode, kill off, dispose; consumption, eating, depletion
Welsh (Cymraeg) ysu [ˈəsɨ / ˈəsi] = to consume, eat, devour, destroy, ruin, corrode, erode, wear away, torment, itch
Old Cornish esat = to eat, eating

Etymology: from the Proto-Indo-European *h₁édti (to eat) [Source].

Welsh (Cymraeg) bwyta [ˈbʊɨ̯ta / ˈbʊi̯ta] = to eat, consume, devour, ravage, waste, wear away, corrode, rust

Etymology: bwyd (food) +‎ –ha (denominative suffix) [Source].

Cornish (Kernewek) dybri / debry = to eat
Old Breton diprim = to eat
Breton (Brezhoneg) debriñ [ˈde.bʁɪ̃] = to eat

Etymology: uncertain

Words marked with a * are reconstructions.

Sources: Wiktionary, Am Faclair Beag, MacBain’s Dictionary, In Dúil Bélrai English – Old-Irish Glossary,, On-Line Manx Dictionary, Geiriadur Prifysgol Cymru, Gerlyver Kernewek, Dictionnaire Favereau

Going, Going, Gone

Words for to go in Celtic languages.

Note: this is one of the few irregular verbs in the celtic languages, and some different parts of the conjugations come from different roots.

Proto-Celtic *tēgeti = to go, step
Old Irish (Goídelc) téít [tʲeːdʲ] = to go, process, depart leave
Irish (Gaeilge) téigh [tʲeːɟ / tʲeːj / tʲeː] = to go, move, proceed, get on, fare, make, cost
Scottish Gaelic (Gàidhlig) tèid = will go – (future form of rach)

Etymology: from the Proto-Indo-European *stéygʰeti (to be walking, to be climbing) [Source].

Old Irish (Goídelc) dul = to go, going
Irish (Gaeilge) dul [d̪ˠʊlˠ] = going, passing, departure, way, method, means, proper, natural, arrangement, style – (verb noun of téigh)
Scottish Gaelic (Gàidhlig) dol [dɔl̪ˠ] = (act of) going, (act of) proceeding
Manx (Gaelg) goll = to go, show out, disembark, going, sinking, passage, departure

Etymology: unknown

Proto-Celtic *monītor = go
Middle Irish (Gaoidhealg) muinithir = goes around
Proto-Brythonic *moned = go
Welsh (Cymraeg) mynd [mɨ̞nd / mɪnd] = to go, leave, depart, die, disappear, perish, come to an end, elapse, pass
Cornish (Kernewek) mos = to go, become
Breton (Brezhoneg) monet = to go, to become

Etymology: from the Proto-Indo-European *menH- [Source].

Words marked with a * are reconstructions.

Sources: Wiktionary, Am Faclair Beag, MacBain’s Dictionary, In Dúil Bélrai English – Old-Irish Glossary,, On-Line Manx Dictionary, Geiriadur Prifysgol Cymru, Gerlyver Kernewek, Dictionnaire Favereau

Clean & Pure

Words for clean in Celtic languages.

Proto-Celtic *glanos = clean, clear
Old Irish (Goídelc) glan [ɡlan] = clear, pure, clear
Irish (Gaeilge) glan [ɡlˠanˠ] = clean, clear, pure, bright, well-made, distinct; complete, extact
Scottish Gaelic (Gàidhlig) glan [gl̪ˠan] = clean, pure, bright, sheer, downright, great, grand, grovy
Manx (Gaelg) glen = clean, fair, fresh-coloured, clear, pure, chaste, hygienic, sheer, emphatic, downright, peremptory, flat (refusal), cloudless, undefiled, clearcut, unclouded
Proto-Brythonic *glan [ˈɡlan] = clean, clear
Middle Welsh (Kymraec) glan = clean, clear
Welsh (Cymraeg) glân [glan] = clean, cleansed, neat; clear of sin, pure, good, virtuous, uncorrupted, undefiled, fair, honest, sincere; holy; fair of countenance, beautiful, handsome; complete, clean, utter, entire
Cornish (Kernewek) glan = clear, clean, pure
Old Breton glan = pure
Middle Breton glan = pure
Breton (Brezhoneg) glan = pure

Etymology: possibly from the Proto-Indo-European *ǵʰl̥h₃-nó-s, *ǵʰelh₃- (green, yellow) [Source].

Words marked with a * are reconstructions.

Sources: Wiktionary, , Am Faclair Beag, MacBain’s Dictionary, In Dúil Bélrai English – Old-Irish Glossary,, On-Line Manx Dictionary, Geiriadur Prifysgol Cymru, Gerlyver Kernewek, Dictionnaire Favereau

Gentle treasure

Words for gift, treasure, benefit in Celtic languages.

Proto-Celtic *moinis = treasure, precious object
Old Irish (Goídelc) moín = gift, benefit
Irish (Gaeilge) maoin [mˠiːnʲ] = gift, benefit, property, wealth, treasure (term of endearment)
Scottish Gaelic (Gàidhlig) maoin [mɯːn̪ʲ] = asset, wealth, fund, gear, goods
Manx (Gaelg) mayn = property, good order
Proto-Brythonic *muɨn = beautiful
Old Welsh muin = worth, value
Middle Welsh (Kymraec) mwyn = worth, value
Welsh (Cymraeg) mwyn [muːɨ̯n / mʊi̯n] = tender, mild, gentle, meek, amiable, loving, kind, obliging, courteous, noble, fair, pleasant, sweet-sounding, melodious, soft, soothing
Old Cornish muin = gracile
Old Breton moin = delicate
Middle Breton moen = thin
Breton (Brezhoneg) moan [ˈmwãːn] = thin, slender

Etymology: from the Proto-Indo-European moynis [Source].

Words marked with a * are reconstructions.

Sources: Wiktionary, , Am Faclair Beag, MacBain’s Dictionary, In Dúil Bélrai English – Old-Irish Glossary,, On-Line Manx Dictionary, Geiriadur Prifysgol Cymru, Gerlyver Kernewek, Dictionnaire Favereau

Treasure 013-1


Words for animal and related beasts in Celtic languages.

Animals / Anifeiliad

Words marked with a * are reconstructions.

Proto-Celtic *mīlom = animal
Old Irish (Goídelc) míl = animal, louse, hare
Middle Irish (Gaoidhealg) míl, miol [mʲiːl] = animal, louse
Irish (Gaeilge) míol [mʲiːlˠ, mʲiːl] = animal, creature, insect, louse
míolach = lousy, verminous, measly, mean, full of animals
míolachán = verminous person or animal
míoladóir = louse-picker, scrounger
míoladóireacht = picking live, scrounging
míoleolaí = zoologist
míoleolaíocht = zoology
míolra = vermin
Scottish Gaelic (Gàidhlig) mial [miəl̪ˠ] = louse, tick, animal (archaic)
mialach [miəl̪ˠəx] = lousy, abounding in live, harmless
mialachd [miəl̪ˠəxg] = lousiness, harmlessness
mialtag [miəl̪ˠdag] = gnat
mial-bhalla = bedbug
mial-eòlas = = zoology
Manx (Gaelg) meeyl [miːl] = gnat, insect, louse, gnat
meeyllagh = insectlike, lousy, verminous
meeyllyn = vermin, flies
meeyllaghys = lousiness
Proto-Brythonic *mil [ˈmiːl] = animal
Middle Welsh (Kymraec) mil = animal, beast, creature
Welsh (Cymraeg) mil [miːl] = animal, beast, creature
milaidd = pertaining to animals, like an animal, bestial
mildraeth, mildraith = zoology, zoography, natural history
mildraethydd = zoologist, zoographer
milfa = menagerie
milfeddyg = verterinary, surgeon, farrier
milgi = greyhound
enfil = animal, beast, creature
Middle Cornish (Cernewec) mil = animal, beast
milen = brutish, brutal, cruel
milgy = hound, greyhound
Cornish (Kernewek) mil = animal
milonieth = zoology
milus = brutal
miluster = brutality
milva = zoo
milvedhek = vet, vetinary surgeon
Middle Breton mil = animal
Breton (Brezhoneg) mil [ˈmiːl] = animal
euzhvil = monster
morvil = whale

Etymology: from the Proto-Indo-European *(s)meh₁l- (small animal) [source].

Old Irish (Goídelc) anmandae, anmande = animal, creature
Middle Irish (Gaoidhealg) anmandae = living creature, animal, beast, head of cattle
Irish (Gaeilge) ainmhí [anʲəvʲiː]= animal, brute, monster
ainmhíoch = animal, brutish
ainmhíocht = animal nature, brutishness
Scottish Gaelic (Gàidhlig) ainmhidh [ɛnɛvɪ] = animal, beast of burden, heifer
ainmhidheach [ɛnɛvɪjəx] = brutish, beastly
ainmhidheachd [ɛnɛvɪjəxg] = brutality, brutishness

Etymology: from the Old Irish ainim(m) (soul, life), from the Latin anima (soul, spirt, life; breath), or from the Proto-Celtic *anaman (soul, spirit), from Proto-Indo-European *h₂enh₁mos, from *h₂enh₁- (breathe), which is also the root of the English word animal [source].

Middle Welsh (Kymraec) aniueileit, anyueyl, anieuil = animal, beast, creature
aniueileid, anifeilyeid, anifeiliaidd = animal-like, bestial
Welsh (Cymraeg) anifail [aˈnɪvai̯l / aˈniːvai̯l] = animal, beast, creature
anifeil(i)aidd = animal-like, bestial, brutish, savage, foul
anifeilig = animal(-like), bestial, brutal
anifeiliol = animal(-like), bestial, beastly, brutal
anifeilrwydd = carnality, sensuality
Middle Cornish (Cernewec) eneval = animal
enevales = female animal
Cornish (Kernewek) eneval = animal
eneval dov = pet
Middle Breton (Brezonec) aneual, anneual = animal
Breton (Brezhoneg) aneval [ãˈneːval] = animal

Etymology: from the Latin animal (animal, living creature), from animālis (animate, living), from anima (soul, spirt, life; breath) [source].

Proto-Celtic *betrixs = (?)
Old Irish (Goídelc) bethadach = animal
Middle Irish (Gaoidhealg) bethach, bethadach = animal, creature, beast
Irish (Gaeilge) beithíoch [bʲɛˈhiəx / ˈbʲɛhiəx / ˈbʲɛhiə(h)] = beast, (large) animal, brute; (large) specimen of creature, bovine animal; heifer, cow, cattle, horse
Scottish Gaelic (Gàidhlig) beathach [bɛhəx] = animal, beast, head of cattle, brute
beathachachadh [bɛhəxəɣ] = living, feeding, nourishing, sustaining, nourishment, nutrition
beathachail [bɛhəxal] = nutritious, nutritional
beathachair [bɛhəxɛrʲ] = animator
beathaich [bɛhɪç] = feed, nourish, support, sustain
beithir [behɪrʲ] = any wild or savage thing, beast; thunderbolt; lightning; strong gust of wind; warrior, hero
Manx (Gaelg) baagh = animal, pet, beast
beishtagh = beastly, bestial, brutish, monstrous, filthy

Etymology: from the Middle Irish betha (life), from Old Irish bethu (life), from Proto-Celtic *biwotūts (life), from *biwos (alive), from Proto-Indo-European *gʷih₃wós (alive) [source].

Words from the same roots include words for food and life in Celtic languages, quick and zoo in English, and vida (life) in Spanish [source].

Proto-Celtic *lutno- = (young) animal
Scottish Gaelic (Gàidhlig) loth [l̪ˠɔh] = fily, foal, colt
lothag [l̪ˠɔhag] = young colt / filly / foal
lothaire [l̪ˠɔhɪrʲə] = gangly / spindly person
lothach [l̪ˠɔhəx] = abounding in fillies / foals / colts
Manx (Gaelg) lhiy = colt
Middle Welsh (Kymraec) lluden, llydyn, llwdyn = (young) animal, beast
llwdyngar = involving (carnal) bestiality
Welsh (Cymraeg) llwdn = the young of an animal (colt, foal, kid, etc), animal, beast, young man, youth, oaf, dolt
llwdngar = involving (carnal) bestiality
Middle Cornish (Cernewec) lodn = young cow or sheep, young ox, bullock, steer, wether
Cornish (Kernewek) lodn = bullock, young ox
lodnek = bovine
lodnow = cattle
Middle Breton (Brezonec) loeznet, loezn, loznet = animal, beast
loeznedus = abounding in animals
Breton (Brezhoneg) loen [ˈlwẽːn] = animal, beast
loeniñ = to brutalise, labour, punish
loenedus = gamey
loenegezh = bestiality
loenek = animal, bestial, brutish

Etymology: from PIE *polH- (animal young), from *peh₂w- (smallness). Words from the same roots include few, filly, foal, pony and puppy in English [source].

Sources: Wiktionary, Am Faclair Beag, Online Manx Dictionary,, eDIL – Electronic Dictionary of the Irish Language, In Dúil Bélrai English – Old Irish glossary, Geiriadur Prifysgol Cymru, Gerlyver Kernewek, Lexicon Cornu-britannicum: A Dictionary of the Ancient Celtic Language of Cornwall, Dictionaire Favereau, TermOfis, Le dictionnaire diachronique du breton, Etymological Dictionary Of Proto Celtic