Cloudy Mist

Words for clouds and mist in Celtic languages.


Words for cloud, mist and fog in Proto-Celtic:

  • *moudo, *neglo = cloud
  • *dumāko = mist
  • *dengwo = mist, smoke
  • *kewok / kiw-o- = fog
Old Irish (Goídelc) nél [n͈ʲeːl] = cloud
Irish (Gaeilge) néal [n̠ʲeːlˠ] = cloud; depression; fit, spasm; nap, snooze; dazed condition; swoon, trance
néaladóir = cloud-watcher, weather observer; look-out man; furtive person, sneak, spy
néaladóireacht = cloud-watching, weather-reading; sneaking, snooping, around, prying furtively, spying
néalmhar = nebulous, nebular; clouded, gloomy; sleepy
néaltach = cloudy
Scottish Gaelic (Gàidhlig) neul [n̪ʲial̪ˠ] = cloud; hue, complexion; swoon, fainting fit
neulach = cloudy, nebulous; obscure; ghostly, sickly
neulag = small cloud; slow women, dimwit
Manx (Gaelg) niaul = cloud
neeal = cloud, nebula, swoon, nap, ashen (colour), faint
Middle Welsh (Kymraec) nywl = mist, fog, haze
nywlawc [nɪu̯l] = foggy, misty
Welsh (Cymraeg) niwl [nɪu̯l] = fog, mist, vapour, haze, cloud(s), obscured eyesight
niwlen = (thin) mist, patch of mist or haze, cloudy film, cloudiness, cataract
niwlio = to be(come)/make misty, foggy or cloudy
niwlog [ˈnɪu̯lɔɡ] = foggy, misty
Cornish (Kernewek) niwl = fog, haze, mist
niwlek = misty, hazy, vague
niwlvlok = smog
Breton (Brezhoneg) nivlenn = mist, fog

Etymology: from the Vulgar Latin *nibulus, a modification of nūbilus (cloudy), from the Proto-Germanic *nebulaz (fog, mist, darkness), from the Proto-Indo-European *nébʰos (cloud, mist, moisture) [source].

Irish (Gaeilge) scamall [ˈsˠkamˠəl̪ˠ] = cloud
scamallach = cloudy, clouded
scamallaigh = to cloud (over), mist, obscure
Scottish Gaelic (Gàidhlig) sgòth [sgɔː] = cloud (bank)
sgòthach [sgɔː.əx] = cloudy

Etymology unknown

Proto-Celtic *kiw-o- = fog
Old Irish (Goídelc) ceó = mist, fog
Irish (Gaeilge) ceo [kʲoː / kʲɔː] = fog, mist, haze; cloud; vapour; blog blemish
ceobháísteach = heavy drizzle, Scotch mist
ceobhrán = light drizzle, mist haze; thin layer
ceobhránach = misty, drizzly
ceoch = foggy, misty, clouded
Scottish Gaelic (Gàidhlig) ceò [kʲɔː] = mist, fog, smoke, vapour
ceò-mara / ceò na mara = sea fog
ceò-uisge = drizzle
ceòban = small drizzling rain accompanied by mist
ceòbhran [kʲɔːran] = drizzle, drizzling rain
ceòthlach [kʲɔːl̪ˠəx] = thin mist; light drizzle
Manx (Gaelg) kay [kʲeː] = fog, haze, cloud, top (of milk), blur (on a mirror)
kyeoh [kʲoː] = fog
kayeeagh / kayagh = hazy, misty, nebulous, foggy

Etymology: from the Proto-Indo-European *(s)kew- (to cover, hide, cloud). The English word sky comes from the same root, via the Old Norse ský (cloud), as does the Old English word sċēo (cloud), via the Proto-Germanic *skiwô/skiwją (cloud, cloud cover, haze) [source].

Proto-Brythonic *kuml = cloud
Middle Welsh (Kymraec) cwmwl = cloud
Welsh (Cymraeg) cwmwl [ˈkʊmʊl] = fog, mist, vapour, haze, cloud(s), obscured eyesight
cymylog [kəˈməlɔɡ] = cloudy, overcast; sad; obscure, lacking clearness
cymylu [kəˈməlɨ / kəˈməli] = to cloud (over), become overcast; darken,; overshadow, obscure, dim
Cornish (Kernewek) kommol = fog, haze, mist
komolek = misty, hazy, vague
Breton (Brezhoneg) koumoul [ˈ] = mist, fog
koumoulek = cloudly

Etymology: from the Latin *cumulus (heap, pile, surplus, summit), from the Proto-Indo-European *ḱewh₁- (to swell) [source].

Words marked with a * are reconstructions.

Sources: Wiktionary, Am Faclair Beag, Online Manx Dictionary,, Geiriadur Prifysgol Cymru, Gerlyver Kernewek

Life and Soul

Words for soul / spirit / life in Celtic languages.

Proto-Celtic *anaman = soul, spirit
Old Irish (Goídelc) ainimm [ˈanʲimʲ], anim [ˈanʲim], ainim, anaim, anaimm = soul, life, living creature, animal
Irish (Gaeilge) anam [ˈɑn̪ˠəmˠ / ˈanˠəmˠ] = soul, life, liveliness, spirt, breath
Scottish Gaelic (Gàidhlig) anam [anam] = soul, mind, spirit, life, breath
Manx (Gaelg) annym = soul, psyche, spirit
Proto-Brythonic *anati̯o- = soul, spirit
Middle Welsh (Kymraec) eneid, eneit = soul, spirit
Welsh (Cymraeg) enaid [haːv / haː] = soul, spirit
Cornish (Kernewek) enev / ena = soul
Middle Breton eneff = spring
Breton (Brezhoneg ene = soul

Etymology: from the Proto-Indo-European *h₂enh₁mos (soul, spirit), or from the Latin anima (soul, spirt, life) [source].

Here are some examples of how these words are used:


  • anam an duine = the human soul
  • duine gan anam = unfeeling/lifeless person
  • Tá a hanam istigh ann = she is devoted to him
  • Dia le m’anam! = God bless my soul!
  • Dar m’anam! = Upon my soul!
  • Lán d’anam = in high spirits

Scottish Gaelic

  • a Dhia m’anam! = God preserve us!
  • m’anam = (my) goodness!
  • anam caillte = a lost soul
  • na gabh d’ anam … = don’t you dare to …
  • air m’anam! = upon my soul!
  • cha robh anam beò ann = there wasn not a living soul there


  • annym-charrey = spiritual adviser
  • corp as annym = body and soul
  • Dar m’annym = Upon my soul!
  • gyn annym = spiritless, flat (mood), inanimate, soulless
  • M’annym da’n jouyll! = Well, I’m damned!
  • Cha row annym vio ayn = there wasn not a living soul there
  • Shee Yee da’n annym echey = may he rest in peace


  • ymroi i rywbeth gorff ac enaid = to throw oneself body/heart and soul into sth
  • â’m holl enaid = with my whole soul
  • hi oedd enaid y parti = she was the life and soul of the party
  • enaid hoff cytûn = soul mate
  • miwsig yr enaid / canu’r enaid = soul music


  • daskor y enev = to give up one’s ghost


  • peoc’h d’e ene = may he rest in peace

Old Irish (Goídelc) spiurt / spirut [ˈspʲirud] = spirit, incorporeal being, angel, ghost, apparition, soul, life
Irish (Gaeilge) spiorad = spirit, spiritedness, courage
Scottish Gaelic (Gàidhlig) spiorad [sbirəd] = spirit (of mind, ghost, liqueur), mind, vigour, heart
Manx (Gaelg) spyrryd = esprit, ghost, morale, spirit, psyche
Proto-Brythonic *spïrïd = spirit
Middle Welsh (Kymraec) yspryt / yspryd = spirit
Welsh (Cymraeg) ysbryd [ˈəsbrɨ̞d / ˈəsbrɪd] = spirit, soul; ghost, spectre, genius, temperament, disposition, mood, emotion, feeling, liveliness, vivacity, breath
Old Cornish spirit = spirit
Cornish (Kernewek) sperys / spyrys = spirit
Middle Breton speret = spirit
Breton (Brezhoneg spered = spirit

Etymology, from the Latin spīritus (air, breath, spirit), from Proto-Indo-European *(s)peys- (to blow, breathe) [source].

Words marked with a * are reconstructions.

Here are some examples of how these words are used:


  • An Spiorad Naomh = the Holy Spirit
  • spiorad an duine = the human spirit
  • spiorad na haoise = the spirit of the age
  • tá an spiorad ullamh = the spirit is willing

Scottish Gaelic

  • An Spiorad Naomh = The Holy Spirit
  • deagh-spiorad = good spirit
  • droch-spiorad = evil spirit, the Devil
  • spiorad-iùil = guiding spirit


  • drogh spyrryd = demon
  • gyn spyrryd = feckless, craven, boneless
  • Spyrryd Noo = Holy Spirit, Holy Ghost
  • spyrryd parteeagh = party spirit


  • Ysbryd Glân, Glân Ysbryd = Holy Spirit/Ghost
  • gwendid ysbryd = melancholy, depression


  • Spered Santel = Holy Spirit/Ghost
  • droukspered = evil spirit, demon
  • spered-krouiñ = creativity
  • spered a gevezerez = spirit of competition

Sources: Wiktionary, Am Faclair Beag, Online Manx Dictionary,, Geiriadur Prifysgol Cymru, Gerlyver Kernewek


Words for seasons in Celtic languages.


Proto-Celtic *wesrakos / *wesantos = spring
Old Irish (Goídelc) errach [ˈer͈ax] = spring
Irish (Gaeilge) earrach [əˈɾˠax / ˈaɾˠəx / ˈaɾˠa(h)] = spring
Scottish Gaelic (Gàidhlig) earrach [jar̪ˠəx] = spring
Manx (Gaelg) arragh [ˈarax] = spring
Proto-Brythonic *wesantēnos = spring
Old Welsh guiannuin = spring
Middle Welsh (Kymraec) gwaeanhwyn / gwaeannwyn / gwannwyn = spring
Welsh (Cymraeg) gwanwyn [ˈɡwanwɨ̞n / ˈɡwanwɪn] = spring, springtime
Old Cornish guaintoin = spring
Cornish (Kernewek) gwaynten = spring
Breton (Brezhoneg) nevez-amzer = spring

Etymology, from the Proto-Indo-European *wósr̥ (spring) [source].

Spring Blossom / Blodau y Gwanwyn


Proto-Celtic *samos = summer
Gaulish samo- = summer
Old Irish (Goídelc) sam [saṽ] / samrad [ˈsaṽrað] = summer
Irish (Gaeilge) samhradh [ˈsˠəuɾˠə / ˈsˠəuɾˠuː / ˈsˠəuɾˠu] = summer, summer garland
Scottish Gaelic (Gàidhlig) samhradh [sãũrəɣ] = summer
Manx (Gaelg) sourey [ˈsaurə] = summer
Proto-Brythonic *haβ̃ = summer
Old Welsh ham = summer
Middle Welsh (Kymraec) haf = summer
Welsh (Cymraeg) haf [haːv / haː] = summer
Old Cornish haf = summer
Cornish (Kernewek) hav = summer
Old Breton ham = summer
Middle Breton haff = summer
Breton (Brezhoneg) hañv = summer

Etymology, from the Proto-Indo-European *sm̥-h₂-ó- (summer) [source].

King John's Castle / Caisleán Luimnigh


Old Irish (Goídelc) fogamar / fogomur [ˈɡʲaṽʲrʲəð] = autumn
Middle Irish (Gaoidhealg) fogamur = harvest
Irish (Gaeilge) fómhar [ˈfˠoːɾˠ / ˈfˠoːvˠəɾˠ / ˈfˠɔːwəɾˠ] = autumn, harvest season, harvest
Scottish Gaelic (Gàidhlig) foghar [fo.ər] = autumn, harvest, (act of) harvesting
Manx (Gaelg) fouyr = harvets, autumn
Middle Welsh (Kymraec) heduref / heduueref = autumn
possibly from hydd (stag) &‎ bref (bellow)
Welsh (Cymraeg) hydref [ˈhədrɛ(v) / ˈhədra] = autumn, period of full maturity, rutting season, mating time
Cornish (Kernewek) hedra / kynnyay / kydnyadh = autumn
Breton (Brezhoneg) here / kozhamzer / diskar-amzer = autumn

Etymology (Goidelic languages), from the Proto-Celtic *wo-gamur (under winter) from *gamur (winter) [source].

autumn falls...


Proto-Celtic *gyemos / *gamur = winter
Gaulish giamos = winter (personal name)
Primitive Irish ᚌᚐᚋᚔ- (gami/gen) = winter
Old Irish (Goídelc) gam / gaim = winter, winter storm
gaimred [ˈɡʲaṽʲrʲəð] = winter
Irish (Gaeilge) geimhreadh [ˈɟiːɾʲə / ˈɟiːvʲɾʲə / ˈɟɛvʲɾʲu] = winter
Scottish Gaelic (Gàidhlig) geamhradh [gʲãũrəɣ] = winter
Manx (Gaelg) geurey [ˈɡʲeurə / ˈɡʲuːrə] = winter
Old Welsh gaem = winter
Middle Welsh (Kymraec) gayaf = winter
Welsh (Cymraeg) gaeaf [ˈɡeɨ̯av / ˈɡei̯av] = winter
Old Cornish goyf = winter
Cornish (Kernewek) gwav / gwâv = winter
Old Breton guoiam = winter
Middle Breton gouaff = winter
Breton (Brezhoneg) goañv [ˈɡwãw / ˈɡwã] = winter

Etymology, from the Proto-Indo-European *ǵʰyem- (winter, year, frost, snow) [source].

Coed efo eira arno

Words marked with a * are reconstructions.

The names of the seasons, days and seasons in Celtic languages

Sources: Wiktionary, Am Faclair Beag, Online Manx Dictionary,, Geiriadur Prifysgol Cymru, Gerlyver Kernewek


Words for day and related things in Celtic languages.

Days in Celtic languages

Proto-Celtic *dīyos = day
*gdijes = yesterday
*noxt-yēr- = yesterday evening, last night
*se-diwos = today
*sindai noxtē = tonight
Old Irish (Goídelc) día [dʲiːa̯] = day
indé = yesterday
irráir [əˈɾʲeːɾʲ] = yesterday evening, last night
indiu = today
innocht = tonight
i mbárach = tomorrow
Middle Irish (Gaoidhealg) día = day
indé = yesterday
irráir = the time before dawn, last night
indiu = today, the present time
innocht = tonight
i mbárach = tomorrow
Irish (Gaeilge) dia [dʲiə] = day
arú inné = the day before yesterday
inné [əˈn̠ʲeː] = yesterday
aréir [əˈɾʲeːɾʲ] = yesterday evening, last night
inniu [əˈn̠ʲʊ / ɪˈn̠ʲʊv] = today
anocht [əˈn̪ˠɔxt̪ˠ] = tonight
amárach [əˈmˠaːɾˠəx] = tomorrow
arú amárach = the day after tomorrow
Scottish Gaelic (Gàidhlig) dia [dʲiə] = day
a’ bhòin-dè [əˈvoːn̪ʲdʲe] = the day before yesterday
an-dè [ən̠ʲ’dʲeː] = yesterday
a-raoir [əˈrɤirʲ] = yesterday evening, last night
an-diugh [əɲˈdʲu] = today
a-nochd [əˈn̪ˠɔ̃xg] = tonight
a-màireach [əˈmaːrʲəx] = tomorrow
an-earar [ən̪ʲˈɛrər] = the day after tomorrow
Manx (Gaelg) je/jy = day
arroo y jea = the day before yesterday
jea = yesterday
riyr = yesterday evening, last night
jiu = today, nowadays
noght = tonight
mairagh = tomorrow
moghrey (ny) mairagh = tomorrow morning
oie ny vairagh = tomorrow night
n(h)uyr, laa ny nuyr = the day after tomorrow
Proto-Brythonic *dið = day, daytime
*hanoɨθ = tonight
Old Welsh did = day
heddiw = today
henoid = tonight
yfory = tomorrow
trennid = (on) the day after tomorrow, in two days time
Middle Welsh (Kymraec) dit, dyd = day
echtoe, echdoe = the day before yesterday
doe, does = yesterday
neithuir, neithwyr, neithiwyr, naithwyr = yesterday evening, last night
heddiw, hediw, hetiv = today
heno = tonight
auory, a vory, y uory, yfory = tomorrow
drenyd, trenhyd, drennydd = (on) the day after tomorrow, in two days time
trannoeth, dranoeth = (on) the following day, three days hence
Welsh (Cymraeg) dydd [dɨːð / diːð] = day, time of daylight, light
echdoe = the day before yesterday
echnos = the night before last
ddoe [ðoːɨ̯ / ðɔi̯] = yesterday
neithiwr [ˈnei̯θjʊr / ˈnei̯θjʊr] = yesterday evening, last night
heddiw [ˈhɛðɪu̯ / ˈheːðɪu̯] = today
heno [ˈhɛnɔ / ˈheːnɔ] = tonight
yfory [əˈvɔrɨ / əˈvoːri] = tomorrow
trennydd = (on) the day after tomorrow, in two days time
ail trannoeth, ail drannoeth = the day after tomorrow
trannoeth = (on) the following day, three days hence
Old Cornish det = day
doy = yesterday
hetheu = today
aurorou = tomorrow
Middle Cornish (Cernewec) dydh, dedh = day
de = yesterday
neiheur, neheur = yesterday evening, last night
hedhyw, hydhew, hithu, hithou, hithyou = today
haneth = tonight
avorow [əˈvɔɾoʊ] = tomorrow
trenja = the day after tomorrow
Cornish (Kernewek) dydh [diːð] = day
dygynsete = the day before yesterday
de = yesterday
de vyttin = yesterday morning
nyhewer = yesterday evening, last night
hedhyw = today
haneth = tonight
a-vorow [əˈvɔɾoʊ] = tomorrow
trenja = the day after tomorrow
Midlde Breton (Brezonec) deiz, dez = day
dec’hm dech, déh = yesterday
neizheur, neizhour, neyzor, neizour / dec’h da noz, deac’h da noz, déh de noz = yesterday evening, last night
hiziv, hidiv, hiniv, hyzium hyziou = today
fenozh, fennos, fenoz, fin-noz = tonight
(w)arc’hoazh, oarhoaz, varc’hoaz, warc’hoâ [war.ˈɣwɑːs] = tomorrow
antronoz all = the day after tomorrow
Breton (Brezhoneg) deiz [ˈdɛj / ˈdɛjs / ˈdeː] = day
dec’h = yesterday
neizheur / dec’h da noz = yesterday evening, last night
hiziv = today
henoazh = tonight
(w)arc’hoazh [war.ˈɣwɑːs] = tomorrow
eil tronoz = the day after tomorrow

Etymology (day): from the Proto-Indo-European *dyew- (to be bright, sky, heaven) [source].

Etymology (tomorrow): from the Proto-Celtic bāregos (morning), either from *bā-rigos (cow-tying), or from the Proto-Indo-European *bʰeh₂-h₃reǵos (light-extending) [source].

Proto-Celtic *latyom = day
Old Irish (Goídelc) [l̪ˠaː], laithe = day
Middle Irish (Gaoidhealg) = day
Irish (Gaeilge) [l̪ˠɑː / l̪ˠæː] = day, daytime; current time; lifetime; point of time
lá breithe = birthday
lá saoire = holiday
an meán lae = midday, noon
Scottish Gaelic (Gàidhlig) latha [l̠ˠa.a] = day
an latha an-diugh = the present day, contemporary
beul an latha = early morning
briseadh an latha = daybreak, dawn
ceann-là = date (in calendar), closing date, deadline
co-là-breith = birthday
là-breith = nativity, date of birth, birthday
latha-saor, saor-là = holiday, vacation
leabhar-latha = diary, journal
meadhan-latha = midday, noon
Manx (Gaelg) laa [leː / laː] = day, daytime
brishey laa = dawn
laa bleeaney = anniversary
laa jerinagh = deadline
laa ruggyr(ee) = birthday
laa seyr = day off, holiday
lioar laa = diary, journal

Etymology from the Proto-Indo-European *leh₁t- (warm part of the year) [source].

Words marked with a * are reconstructions.

The names of the months (and days and seasons) in Celtic languages

Sources: Wiktionary, Am Faclair Beag, Online Manx Dictionary,, eDIL – Electronic Dictionary of the Irish Language, In Dúil Bélrai English – Old Irish glossary, Geiriadur Prifysgol Cymru, Gerlyver Kernewek, Gerlyvyr Cernewec, Dictionaire Favereau, TermOfis, Le dictionnaire diachronique du breton, Geriafurch, English – ProtoCeltic WordList (PDF), Etymological Dictionary Of Proto Celtic

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Words for month in Celtic languages.

Proto-Celtic *mīns = month
Old Irish (Goídelc) mi = month
Irish (Gaeilge) [mʲiː] = month
an mhí seo cáite = last month
an mhí seo = this month
an mhí seo chugainn = next month
Scottish Gaelic (Gàidhlig) mìos [miəs] = month
a’ mhìos sa chaidh = last month
a’ mhìos seo = this month
an ath-mhìos = next month
Manx (Gaelg) mee [miː] = month
yn vee shoh chaie = last month
yn vee sho = this month
yn vee shoh çheet = next month
Proto-Brythonic *mis = month
Welsh (Cymraeg) mis [miːs / miːs / miːʃ] = month, oestrus
y mis diwedda(f) = last month
y mis hwn = this month
y mis nesa(f) = next month
Cornish (Kernewek) mis = month
Breton (Brezhoneg) miz = month
ar miz diwezhañ = last month
ar miz-mañ = this month
ar miz kentañ = next month

Etymology (month): possibly from the Proto-Indo-European *mḗh₁n̥s (moon, month) [source].

Words marked with a * are reconstructions.

The names of the months (and days and seasons) in Celtic languages

Months in Celtic languages

Sources: Wiktionary, Am Faclair Beag, Online Manx Dictionary,, Geiriadur Prifysgol Cymru, Gerlyver Kernewek


Words for year and related things in Celtic languages.

Thames Festival fireworks

Proto-Celtic *blēdanī / *bleido = year
*ɸeruti = last year
*se-blidnī = this year
Old Irish (Goídelc) blíadaín = year
uraid [ˈurəðʲ], urid, innurid = last year
Middle Irish (Gaoidhealg) bliadain = year
bliadnach = full of years, long-lived
blíadnaide = year-old, yearling
blíadnamail = yearly, by or for the year
Irish (Gaeilge) bliain [bʲlʲiənʲ] = year
bliainiris = annual, year-book
blianacht = annuity
bliantóg = annual
bliantúil = yearly, annual
anuraidh [əˈn̪ˠɔɾˠə] = last year
i mbliana = this year
an bhliain seo chugainn = next year
athbliain / An Bhliain Nua/Úr = (the) New Year
Scottish Gaelic (Gàidhlig) bliadhna [bliən̪ˠə] = year, vintage
bliadhnach = yearling
bliadhnachan = annual (a book published yearly)
bliadhnail = annual, yearly
an-uiridh [ˈurəðʲ] = last year
am bliadhna [əm’bliən̪ˠə] = this year
(an) athbhliadhna [(ə’n̪ˠ)aflɪn̪ʲ] = next year
athbliain / A’ Bhliadhna Ùr = (the) New Year
Manx (Gaelg) blein [blʲeːnʲ / blʲiᵈn] = year, twelvemonth
bleinoil = annual, yearly
bleeanagh = annual
bleeanaght = annuity
bleeaney = anniversary, of a year
nurree = last year
mleeaney = this year
yn vlein ry heet, yn vlein shoh çheet = next year
Nollick Veg, Yn Vlein Noa = New Year
Old Welsh bloidin = year
Middle Welsh (Kymreac) blydyn, bluitinet, bluydyned = year
bluyd, blwyd = year (of age)
Welsh (Cymraeg) blwyddyn [ˈblʊɨ̯ðɨ̞n / ˈblʊi̯ðɪn] = year, a long time, ages; lifetime, life
blwydd [bluːɨ̯ð / blʊi̯ð] = year (of age), twelve months (old), birthday, yearling
penblwydd = birthday
llynedd [ˈɬənɛð] = last year
eleni [ɛˈlɛnɪ / ɛˈleːni] = this year
blwyddyn nesaf = next year
blwyddyn Newydd = New Year
Old Cornish bliþen = year
Middle Cornish (Cernewec) bledhan, bledhen, bledhyn, blidhen, blythen = year
bloth = year (of age)
Cornish (Kernewek) bledhen = year
bloodh = year (of age)
warlena / warleni = last year
hevlena / hevleni = this year
nessa bledhen = next year
Bledhen Nowydh = New Year
Old Breton blidan, bliden = year
Middle Breton (Brezonec) bliz(i)enn, bliz(i)en, blidan = year
bloavez(h), bloazuez = year
bloavezhiek = annual
bloaz = year (of age)
bloazañ = to date
bloaziadur = annual, year-book
Breton (Brezhoneg) bloavezh = year
bloaz = year (of age)
bloaziadur = annual, year-book
bloazieg = annual journal
bloaziek = annual
bloaziekaat = to annualize
ar bloaz a zeu = last year
hevlene = this year
ar bloaz tremen(et) / paseet = next year
kala-bloaz = New Year

Etymology (year): possibly from the Proto-Indo-European *bʰloyd- (pale) [source]. Words from the same PIE root include бледный (pale) in Russian, бледен (pale, pallied, insignificant) in Bulgarian, and bledý (pale) in Czech [source].

Etymology (last year – Goidelic languages): from the Proto-Indo-European *péruti (last year) [source].

Words marked with a * are reconstructions.

Athbhliain faoi mhaise duit, Bliadhna mhath ùr, Blein Vie Noa, Blwyddyn newydd dda, Bledhen Nowydh Da, Bloavezh mat, Happy New Year!

Sources: Wiktionary, Am Faclair Beag, Online Manx Dictionary,, eDIL – Electronic Dictionary of the Irish Language, In Dúil Bélrai English – Old Irish glossary, Geiriadur Prifysgol Cymru, Gerlyver Kernewek, Dictionaire Favereau, TermOfis, English – ProtoCeltic WordList (PDF), Etymological Dictionary Of Proto Celtic

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Time & Weather

Words for time and weather in Celtic languages.


Words marked with a * are reconstructions.

Proto-Celtic *ammen-, *amo- = time
Old Irish (Goídelc) amm = time
Middle Irish (Gaoidhealg) amm = time, point of time
Irish (Gaeilge) am [aumˠ / ɑːmˠ / amˠ] = time, point of time, occasion, usual, due, proper, opportune, season, period
am ar bith = at any time
ó am go ham = from time to time
amadóir = timepiece, timer
amchlár, clár ama = time-table
amchrios = time zone
amscála = time scale
Scottish Gaelic (Gàidhlig) àm [ãũm/amə] = time, occasion, period
àm air bith = whenever
àm-latha = daytime
àm nam pòg = honeymoon (“time of kissing”)
Manx (Gaelg) am = time
ec yn am = in the nick of time

Etymology: possibly from Proto-Indo-European *h₂etmn̥ (wandering), from *h₂et- (to go), which is also the root of words such as annual in English, an(née) (year) in French and año (year, age) in Spanish [source].

Proto-Celtic *amsterā = time, moment
Old Irish (Goídelc) aimser [ˈamʲsʲer] = time, age, period, season
Middle Irish (Gaoidhealg) aimser [ˈamʲɕər] = point of time, period of time, span, spell, period, age, epoch, season. weather
aimseradt = period, duration
aimserdae = belonging to time, temporal
Irish (Gaeilge) aimsir [ˈamʲʃəɾʲ / ˈæːmʲʃəɾʲ] = mind, mental state, disposition, attention, spirits, intention, accord
aimseartha = temporal
Scottish Gaelic (Gàidhlig) aimsir [ɛmɛʃɪrʲ] = climate, weather, season, era, time, reign
aimsireil [ɛmɛʃɪrʲal] = of this world, temporal
Manx (Gaelg) emshir [ˈɛmʃər] = weather, weather conditions, tense, time
Old Welsh amser = time
Middle Welsh (Kymraec) amser [ˈamser] = time
amserav = to time, date
amserawl, amseraỽl = timely
Welsh (Cymraeg) amser [ˈamsɛr / ˈamsar] = time, occasion, date, opportunity
amseraf, amseru = to time, date, occur, come to pass
amseriad = date, a timing, time, tempo (in music)
amserlen = timetable
amserlin = timeline, schedule
amsernod = noteworty, epoch, period, era, time signature
amserol = timely, well-timed, topical, seasonable, opportune, suitable, temporal, transient, temporary
amserolder = timeliness, seasonableness
Old Cornish anser = time
Middle Cornish (Cernewec) amser = time
Cornish (Kernewek) amser = (grammatical) tense
amseryow = menstruation, period
Middle Breton (Brezonec) amser, amzer = time, weather
Breton (Brezhoneg) amzer [ˈãm.zɛr] = time, weather
amzeran, amzerañ = to delay, to fix (in time)
amzereg = timer
amzeroni = chronology
amzervezh = time, era

Etymology: possibly from the Proto-Indo-European *h₂meh₁- (to mow, reap, harvest), from Proto-Celtic *amm (time) – see above [source].

Proto-Celtic *trātu = time, hour
Old Irish (Goídelc) tráth [traːθ] = time, hour, period (of time)
Middle Irish (Gaoidhealg) tráth [traːθ] = period of time, hour, point in time, day
tráthach = timely
tráthamail = timely
Irish (Gaeilge) tráth [t̪ˠɾˠɑː / t̪ˠɾˠæː] = hour, time, occasion, day, period
tráthaí = person who keeps regular hours
tráthchlár = timetable
tráthchuid = instalment
tráthnóna = afternoon, evening (up to nightfall)
tráthrialta = at regular times, regularly, punctually
tráthúil = timely, opportune, apt, felicitous, witty
tráthúlacht = timeliness, opportuneness, aptness, wittiness
Scottish Gaelic (Gàidhlig) tràth [traː] = time, meal, (grammatical) tense, when, phrase, season
Manx (Gaelg) traa = duration, time, period, occasion, tempo
Proto-Brythonic *trọd = course, voyage
Middle Welsh (Kymraec) traỽt, traỽd, trawt, trawd = course, way, journey, career, movement, gait, assault, attack
Welsh (Cymraeg) trawd, trawdd = course, way, journey, career, movement, gait, assault, attack
trawenaf, trawenu = to go (over/through), cross, travel
Cornish (Kernewek) trad = trade, way

Etymology: from the Proto-Indo-European *terh₂- (to cross over, pass through, overcome) [source]. Words from the same roots include enter, term, terminal, thorough, through and transaction in English, and tarddu (to emerge, sprout, explode) in Welsh [source].

Proto-Celtic *kʷritus = time, movement, shape, magical transformation
Old Irish (Goídelc) cruth [kruθ] / crud [kruð] = form, shape, manner, way
Middle Irish (Gaoidhealg) cruth = form, shape, appearance, shapeliness
cruthach = shapely, fair, beautiful
cruthaid = to create, form
cruthaigidir = to create, shape, form, produce
cruthmar = shapely
Irish (Gaeilge) cruth [kɾˠʊ(h)] = shape, appearance, state, condition, manner, mode
cruthach = shapely
cruthaigh = to create, form, prove
cruthaíocht = shape, appearance, good physique
cruthaitheach = creative
cruthú = creation, proof, testimony
cruthúil = shapely, beautiful, likely, plausible
Scottish Gaelic (Gàidhlig) cruth [kruh] = form, shape, figure
cruthach [kruhəx] = real, shapely, well-formed
cruthachadh [kruhəxəɣ] = (act of) creating, creation, (act of) forming
cruthachas [kruhəxəs] = creativity
cruthachd [kruhəxg] = form, complexion, creation
cruthadair [kruhədɪrʲ] = creator
Manx (Gaelg) croo = shape, appearance, format, coinage, creation, create, coining, form, build
crooaghey = shape
crootagh = creative, creator
crootaght = creativity
Proto-Brythonic *prɨd = shape, form
Middle Welsh (Kymraec) pryd, prid, pryt = sight, appearance
prydu, prydaf = to compose poetry
prydaw = beautiful, lovely
prydfawr, pryduawr = very beautiful or graceful, splendid, inspired
pryduerth, prytuerth = beautiful, splendid, handsome, fine, fair, seemly, decent
Welsh (Cymraeg) pryd [prɨːd / priːd] = sight, appearance, aspect, complexion, colouring, face, shape, form, comeliness, beauty
prydaf, prydu = to compose poetry, versify, write (a poem), to devise, compose
prydaw = beautiful, lovely
prydfawr = very beautiful or graceful, splendid, inspired
prydferth = beautiful, splendid, handsome, fine,
fair, seemly, decent
prydferthaf, prydferthu = to make beautiful, beautify, grace, adorn, embellish, flourish
Proto-Celtic *kʷritus = time, movement, shape, magical transformation
Proto-Brythonic *prɨd = time
Middle Welsh (Kymraec) pryt, pryd = time. occasion, period, season
Welsh (Cymraeg) pryd [prɨːd / priːd] = time, occasion, period, season, day, meal(time), when, while
prydlon = punctual, prompt, timely, seasonable; suitable, appropriate, proper
prydlondeb, prydlonder, prydlonedd = punctuality, timeliness, seasonableness
pryd(i)ol = timely, seasonable, punctual
Old Cornish prit = hour, time
Middle Cornish (Cernewec) prys, prês, preys = a stated time, a while, time, season, mealtime, a meal
Cornish (Kernewek) prys = season, time, while
prysweyth = instant, occasion
Middle Breton (Brezonec) pret = moment
Breton (Brezhoneg) pred = moment, meal
predadenn = (good) meal

Etymology (of both the above words): from the Proto-Indo-European *kʷer- (to do, make, build). Words from the same roots include Britain, Brittany and karma in English, and words for cauldron in Celtic languages [source].

Middle Welsh (Kymraec) tywyd = weather
Welsh (Cymraeg) tywydd [ˈtəu̯.ɨ̞ð / ˈtəu̯.ɪð] = weather, bad or stormy weather
tywyddiant = meterology
tywyddol = pertaining to the weather
Cornish (Kernewek) tewedh = storm
tewedha = to weather

Etymology: unknown

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Sources: Wiktionary, Am Faclair Beag, Online Manx Dictionary,, eDIL – Electronic Dictionary of the Irish Language, In Dúil Bélrai English – Old Irish glossary, Geiriadur Prifysgol Cymru, Gerlyver Kernewek, Lexicon Cornu-britannicum: A Dictionary of the Ancient Celtic Language of Cornwall, Dictionaire Favereau, TermOfis, Le dictionnaire diachronique du breton, Etymological Dictionary Of Proto Celtic


Here are some words for knee, and related words, in Celtic languages.

Proto-Celtic *glūnos = knee
Old Irish (Goídelc) glún [ɡluːn] = knee
Irish (Gaeilge) glúin [ɡl̪ˠuːnʲ / ɡlˠuːnʲ] = knee, generation, step (in a series), node
caipín glúine, gealacán glúine = kneecap, patella
bean ghlúine = midwife
Scottish Gaelic (Gàidhlig) glùin [ɡl̪ˠuːnʲ] = knee, generation, lap, joint (of boat)
copan na glùine / cnap-glùine / falman = kneecap, patella
lùbadh-glùin = curtsey
bean-ghlùine = midwife
Manx (Gaelg) glioon [ɡlʲuːnʲ] = joint, crooked timber, knee
rollian ny gliooney = kneecap, patella
moddey glioon = lap dog, toy dog
glioon-lhoobey = genuflect, genuflection
Proto-Brythonic *glin = knee
Welsh (Cymraeg) glin [ɡliːn], pen (g)lin [pɛnˈ(ɡ)liːn] = knee
clwyd y glin = kneecap, patella
llinach = lineage, genealogy, pedigree, ancestry, stock, kindred, offspring, succession, generation
camu glin = to curtsey
Cornish (Kernewek) glin [ˈɡliːn] = knee
padell bedn glin / penn glin = kneecap, patella
Breton (Brezhoneg) glin [ˈɡliːn] = knee
koubloù = kneecap, patella

Etymology: from the Proto-Indo-European *ǵónu (knee).

From the Proto-Celtic word *glūnos we also get the Proto-Celtic word *genwā ((river) bend), which is the root of the names Geneva, Genoa.

The word knee comes from the same PIE root, via the Middle English kne, from the Old English cnēow, from the Proto-West Germanic *kneu, from the Proto-Germanic *knewą.

The word genuflect (to bend the knee) also comes from the same PIE root, via the Latin genū (knee) and flectō (to bend) [source].

Sources: Wiktionary, Am Faclair Beag, MacBain’s Dictionary, In Dúil Bélrai English – Old-Irish Glossary,, On-Line Manx Dictionary, Geiriadur Prifysgol Cymru, Gerlyver Kernewek, Dictionnaire Favereau, TermOfis

Nails, Claws and Talons

Words for nails in Celtic languages.

Proto-Celtic *angʷīnā = (finger/toe) nail
Old Irish (Goídelc) ingen [ˈiŋʲɡʲen] = (finger/toe) nail
Irish (Gaeilge) ionga [ˈɔŋə] = nail, claw, talon; hoof; clove (of garlic); quid (of tabacco)
ionga méire finger nail
ionga ordóige = thumbnail
ionga coise / ionga laidhre toenail
Scottish Gaelic (Gàidhlig) ionga [iŋgə] = (finger) nail, toenail, claw, talon, gusset
Manx (Gaelg) ingin [ˈiŋən] = claw, nail, talon, hoof; clove (of garlic)
ingin ordaag = thumbnail
ingin choshey toenail
Proto-Brythonic *ėɣwin = nail
Old Welsh eguin = nail
Middle Welsh (Kyrmraec) ewin = nail
Welsh (Cymraeg) ewin [ˈɛu̯.ɪn] = nail of a finger or toe; claw or talon (of bird), claw (of carnivorous beast); division of a cloven hoof; worthless remnant; power of grip; cog of a wheel; jutting edge of rock; clove (of garlic), small piece, particle
ewin bawd thumbnail
ewin troed toenail
Old Cornish euuin = fingernail
Cornish (Kernewek) ewyn = claw, fingernail, talon, toenail; clove (of garlic)
Old Breton eguin = fingernail
Middle Breton euin = fingernail
Breton (Brezhoneg) ivin [ˈboːs] = fingernail, tab

Etymology: from the Proto-Indo-European *h₃nṓgʰs ((finger/toe) nail) [source].

30: Shiny

Sources: Wiktionary, Am Faclair Beag, MacBain’s Dictionary, In Dúil Bélrai English – Old-Irish Glossary,, On-Line Manx Dictionary, Geiriadur Prifysgol Cymru, Gerlyver Kernewek, Dictionnaire Favereau, TermOfis

Fingers and Toes

Words for finger, toe and related things in Celtic languages.


Proto-Celtic *makro = finger
Old Irish (Goídelc) mér [mʲeːr] = finger, digit, toe
Middle Irish (Gaoidhealg) mér, mer, meóir, meúir = finger, digit, toe
Irish (Gaeilge) méar [mʲeːɾˠ] = finger, digit, toe, leg (of crustaceans, mollusks, etc), arm (of a cuttle fish)
an mhéar thosaigh/cholbha = the forefinger, index finger
an mhéar fhada/láir/mheáin = (the) middle finger
méar an fháinne = ring finger
an mhéar bheag / lúidín / lúideog = (the) little finger
méar coise = toe
Scottish Gaelic (Gàidhlig) meur [miar] = finger, digit, branch (of an organisation/family), key (in music), point (of an antler), knot (in wood)
meur-meomhair = forefinger, index finger
meur-meadhain / (am) meur fada / (am) meur meadhanach = middle finger
màthair na lùdaige / mac an aba / am madadh fada = ring finger
meur beag an airgid / plaoisgeag = little finger
Manx (Gaelg) mair = finger, digit, prong, ray, (piano) key, hand (of clock), tributary (of river)
corrag / corvair = the forefinger, index finger
mair vooar = the middle finger
mair ny fainey = ring finger
mair veg = the little finger
mair chass / mair choshey = toe
mair choshey veg / mair veg ny coshey = little toe

Etymology: possibly from the Proto-Indo-European *mh₂ḱros (lean, meager), which is also the root of the English word meagre/meager, the French word maigre (meagre, skinny, lean, thin), and the Spanish word magro (lean)[source].

Proto-Celtic *bissī / *bistis = finger
Old Irish (Goídelc) biss = icicle
Middle Welsh (Kymraec) biss, byss, bys = finger, toe, latch
Welsh (Cymraeg) bys [bɨːs / biːs] = finger (of hand/glove), toe; medium, agency; hand (of clock); latch
bys bawd = thumb
bys blaen = forefinger, index finger
bys y cogwrn = middle finger (“knuckle finger”)
bys y gyfaredd = ring finger
bys bach = little finger, ear-finger; minute-hand
bys(i)aid = as much as can be held on or taken up by the finger, a pinch
byseddaf, byseddu, bysedda = to finger, thumb, use the fingers
byseddog = having fingers, fingered
byseg = thimble
bysfedd = finger’s breadth, digit
byson = ring for the finger
Old Cornish bis/bes = finger
Middle Cornish (Cernewec) bis, bes = finger
bis truit = toe
bisou, besaw = ring
Cornish (Kernewek) bys, bes = finger, digit
bys bras = thumb
bys rag = index finger
bys kres = middle finger
bys bysow = ring finger
bys byghan / bes bian = little finger
byskon = thimble
bysow, besow = ring
Middle Breton (Brezonec) bes, bys, bis = finger
besou, bisou = ring
Breton (Brezhoneg) biz [biːs] = finger, hand (of clock), tooth (of tool), leg (of anchor), tentacle, tendril
biz-meud = thumb
biz-yod = index finger
biz bras = middle finger
biz-gwalenn / biz bizou = ring finger
biz bihan / skouarnel = little finger
bizou, bizoù [ˈbiːzu] = ring, jewel
bizouier = jeweller
bizour = jewel

Etymology: from the Proto-Indo-European *gʷist- (twig, finger). The French word bijou (a piece of jewellry), comes from the same root, via the Breton bizoù (ring), from biz (finger) [source].

Proto-Celtic *māto = finger
Old Welsh (Kymraec) máut = finger, toe, latch
Middle Welsh (Kymraec) mawd, baut, bawd = finger, toe, latch
Welsh (Cymraeg) bawd = thumb, big toe; claw (of crab), hoof
bawd troed = big toe
bawdheglaf, bawdheglu = to hitch-hike
Middle Cornish (Cernewec) meut = thumb
Cornish (Kernewek) meus = thumb
meusva = inch
meusya = to hitchhike
Middle Breton (Brezonec) meut = thumb
Breton (Brezhoneg) meud [ˈmøːt] = thumb, pincer, claw
meud-troad = big toe, toe
meudadenn = grip (of the thumb)
meudata = to knead with one’s thumb

Etymology: from the Proto-Indo-European *mē- [source].

Old Irish (Goídelc) ordu = thumb, big toe
Middle Irish (Gaoidhealg) ordu, órdu = thumb, big toe
Irish (Gaeilge) ordóg [ˈəuɾˠd̪ˠoːɡ] = thumb, big toe, claw, pincers, bit, piece, fragment
ordóg coise = big toe
Scottish Gaelic (Gàidhlig) òrdag [ɔːr̪ˠdag] = thumb, big toe
òrdag-coise / òrdag-mhór = big toe
òrdag-làimhe = thumb
òrdag bheag an airgid = little toe, little finger
Manx (Gaelg) ordaag = thumb
ordaag chass / ordaag choshey / ordaag vooar = big toe

Etymology: possibly from the Old Irish ord/ordd (hammer, piece, fragment, stub), from the Proto-Celtic *ordos (hammer) [source].

Old Irish (Goídelc) ladar = grasp, grip
Middle Irish (Gaoidhealg) ladar, ladair = fork or space between the fingers or between the thumb and the rest of the hand; grip, grasp; space between the toes
Irish (Gaeilge) ladhar [lˠaiɾˠ] = space between toes or fingers, toe, claw, prong, (clawed) hand
ladhar mhór = big toe
ladhar bheag = little toe
laidhricín = little toe, little finger
lúidín / lúideog = little finger, little toe
lúidín coise = little toe
Scottish Gaelic (Gàidhlig) ladhar [l̪ˠɤ.ər] = hoof, prong, toe, claw (of lobster)
ladhrag [l̪ˠɤːrag] = toe, prong, hoof
an ladhar mór = big toe
lùdag / lùdag bheag / lùdag dhubh na catha [l̪ˠuːdag] = little finger, hinge

Etymology: unknown [source].

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Sources: Wiktionary, Am Faclair Beag, Online Manx Dictionary,, eDIL – Electronic Dictionary of the Irish Language, In Dúil Bélrai English – Old Irish glossary, Geiriadur Prifysgol Cymru, Gerlyver Kernewek, Dictionaire Favereau, TermOfis, English – ProtoCeltic WordList (PDF), Etymological Dictionary Of Proto Celtic

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