Omniglot News (11/07/21)

This week I added details of three new languages to Omniglot: Nimadi, Mandeali and Shompen.

  • Nimadi (निमाड़ी) is a Rajasthani language spoken mainly in Madhya Pradesh in central India by about 2.3 million people. It’s written with the Devanagari alphabet.
  • Mandeali (मंडयाल़ी) is a Western Pahari language spoken mainly in the Mandi district of Himachal Prasdesh in northern India by about 623,000 people. It is written with the Devanagari alphabet, and used to be written with the Takri alphabet.
  • Shompen is a Nicobarese language spoken on Great Nicobar Island, part of the Indian union territory of the Andaman and Nicobar Islands. The number of speakers is not known, and it’s rarely written, except by researchers.

There are new numbers pages in Proto-Slavic and Old Church Slavonic.

There are new translations of stories in Lingua de planeta and Algilez.

There are Omniglot blog posts about knickknacks and bonnets, and the usual language quiz.

This week’s Celtiadur post is about words in Celtic languages for river mouths, estuaries and related things.

I also added new translations of the Tower of Babel in Russian, and made improvements to the Mundari and Fur language pages.

This week, for a change, I published an Adventure in Etymology (about balance) on Saturday rather than Sunday. Normally I work on Omniglot 7 days a week, but have decided to do other things on Sundays. Today, for example, I will be mainly working on a recording of one of my songs.

For more Omniglot News see:

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