Omniglot News (22/01/23)

Here’s the latest news from the world of Omniglot.

New constructed script: Ukaliq, a universal alphabet created by Henrik Theling that could be used to write any language.

Article 1 of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights in Inuktitut in the Utaliq alphabet

New adapted script: Nasema (ߣߊߛߍߡߊ), a method of writing Swahili with the N’Ko alphabet devised by Allison Powell.

ߥߊߕߎ ߥߐߕߍ ߥߊߡߍߛ߳ߟߌߥߊ ߤߎߙߎ߸ ߤߊߘ߳ߌ ߣߊ ߤߊߞߌ ߛ߳ߊߐ ߣߌ ߛߊߥߊ߷ ߥߐߕߍ ߥߊߡߍߖߊߟߌߥߊ ߊߞߌߟߌ ߣߊ ߘ߳ߊߡߌߙߌ߸ ߤߌߥ߳ߦߐ ߦߊߔߊߛߊ ߥߊߕߍߣߘߍߊߣߍ ߞߌߣߘߎߜߎ߷ 

There are new language pages about:

  • Abidji, a Kwa language spoken in the south of Côte d’Ivoire (Ivory Coast).
  • Nyabwa (Nyabobɔgʋ), a Western Kru language spoken in the south of Côte d’Ivoire (Ivory Coast).
  • Wobé (Wɛɛ), a Western Kru language spoken in the west of Côte d’Ivoire (Ivory Coast).

There are new numbers pages in:

  • Gamilaraay, a Pama-Nyungan language spoken in New South Wales in Australia.
  • Sgaw Karen (ကညီကျိာ်), a Karenic language spoken in southern Myannmar and northwestern Thailand.
  • Waray Warary, a Bisayan language spoken mainly in the Eastern Visayas Region of the Philippines.

There’s a new family words page in: Tamil (தமிழ்), a Dravidian language spoken in southern India, Sri Lanka and Singapore.

On the Omniglot blog there’s a post about words for Hooks, and one about the Japanese word 建築 (kenchiku), which means architecture or construction and just appeals to my ears, and there’s the usual Language Quiz. See if you can guess what language this is:

Here’s a clue: this is a Creole language spoken in South America.

The mystery language in last week’s language quiz was
Surigaonon, a Bisayan language spoken in the Caraga region in the north of Mindanao island in the southern Philippines.

In this week’s Adventure in Etymology we are uncovering the origins of word Chemise and related items of clothing.

On the Celtiadur blog there’s a new post about words for Scotland, and I made improvements to the post about Shirts.

There’s a new Celtic Pathways podcast about words for Fields and Quays and related things in Celtic languages.

For more Omniglot News see:

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