Omniglot News (02/07/23)

Here’s the latest news from the world of Omniglot.

New page: Armeno-Turkish (Էրմէնի խարֆլի Թիւրգչէ), a way to write Ottoman Turkish with the Armenian alphabet that was used in the Ottoman Empire until 1928.

Պիւթիւն ինսանլար հիւր, հաեսիեէթ վէ հաքլար պաքըմընտան էշիթ տoղարլար. Աքըլ վէ վիճտանա սահիփթիրլէր վէ պիրպիրլէրինէ քարշը քարտէշլիք զիհնիեէթի իլէ հարէքէթ էթմէլիտիրլէր.

There are new language pages about:

  • Kar (kar / kái yor), a Senufo language spoken in the southwest of Burkina Faso.
  • Cebaara (senã́rì), a Senufo language spoken in northern Ivory Coast
  • Dan, a Southeastern Mande language spoken in Ivory Coast, Libera and Guinea.

New phrases page: I’m learning [your language] – how to tell people that you’re learning their language in their language.

New numbers pages:

  • Waama, a Gur language spoken in Atakora Department in the northwest of Benin.
  • Kabiye (kabɩyɛ), a Gur language spoken in Togo, Benin and Ghana.

New Tower of Babel translation: Cebaara

On the Omniglot blog there’s a post called Oof! What a Hash!, about the origins and names of the # symbol, and there’s the usual Language Quiz. See if you can guess what language this is:

Here’s a clue: this language is spoken in the west of the Russian Federation.

The mystery language in last week’s language quiz was Konobo, a Western Kru language spoken in Liberia.

There’s a new Celtiadur post about words for Nine and related things in Celtic languages.

In this week’s Adventure in Etymology we take a seat to uncover the origins of the the word Chair, and find out how it’s connected to words like cathedral, catastrophe and cataract.

In other news: I was interviewed by Carlos Yerba López for his Hyperpolyglot Activist channel on YouTube:

For more Omniglot News see:

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