Omniglot News (27/10/24)

Omniglot News

Here’s the latest news from the world of Omniglot.

New language pages:

  • Kwasengen (Hanga Hundi), a Sepik language spoken in East Sepik Province in the northwest of Papua New Guinea.
  • Dirasha (D’iraassh), a Lowland East Cushitic language spoken in southwestern Ethiopia.
  • Saho (Saahot Af), a Lowland East Cushitic language spoken mainly in Eritrea and Ethiopia.

New constructed script: Bocsys, an alphabet I created for no particular reason that can be used to write most western European languages.

Sample text in the Bocsys alphabet in English

New numbers pages:

  • Kryts (Khaput dialect), a Northeast Caucasian spoken in northeastern Azerbaijan.
  • Sakizaya, an East Formosan language spoken mainly in Hualien County on the east coast of Taiwan.
  • Rukai, a Formosan language spoken in Pingtung, Kaohsiung and Taitung counties in the south of Taiwan.

On the Omniglot blog there’s a new post entitled Pans of Cream about words for cream in Italian, and related words in other languages. There’s also the usual Language Quiz. See if you can guess what language this is:

Here’s a clue: this language is spoken in northern Mexico.

The mystery language in last week’s language quiz was Tswa (xiTswa), a Southern Bantu language spoken in southern Mozambique.

In this week’s Celtic Pathways podcast, Oaken Larches, we discover the possible Celtic roots of words for larch (tree) in various non-Celtic languages.

On the Celtiadur blog there’s a new post called Sufficiently Enough about words for enough, sufficient and related things.

I also made improvements to the Oak (trees) Celtiadur post.

For more Omniglot News, see:

You can also listen to this podcast on: Apple Podcasts, Amazon Music, Stitcher, TuneIn, Podchaser, PlayerFM or podtail.

If you would like to support this podcast, you can make a donation via PayPal or Patreon, or contribute to Omniglot in other ways.

Radio Omniglot podcasts are brought to you in association with Blubrry Podcast Hosting, a great place to host your podcasts. Get your first month free with the promo code omniglot.

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Omniglot News (20/10/24)

Omniglot News

Here’s the latest news from the world of Omniglot.

New language pages:

  • Kamasau, a Torricelli language spoken in East Sepik Province in the northwest of Papua New Guinea.
  • Bukiyip (Bukiyúp), a Torricelli language spoken in East Sepik Province in the northwest of Papua New Guinea.
  • Mufian, a Torricelli language spoken in East Sepik Province in Papua New Guinea.
  • Wiyot (Soulatluk), an Algic language that was spoken in Humboldt Bay in northwestern California, and which is being revived.

New numbers pages:

  • Wiyot (Soulatluk), an Algic language that was spoken in Humboldt Bay in northwestern California.
  • Yurok (Puliklah), an Algic language that was spoken in northern California, and which is being reivived.

On the Omniglot blog there’s a new post entitled Trigraphs about the rather unusual orthography used by the Yurok language. There’s also the usual Language Quiz. See if you can guess what language this is:

Here’s a clue: this language is spoken in Mozambique.

The mystery language in last week’s language quiz was Lahu (Ladhof) , a Lolo-Burmese language spoken in China, Myanmar, Thailand, Laos and Vietnam.

In this week’s Adventure in Etymology, Terminal Boundaries, we determine the limits of the word term, and find out how it’s connected to the Daleks in Dr Who.

On the Celtiadur blog there’s a new post about some Deeply Profound words, and I made improvements to the post about words for Fish.

I also made improvements to the Yurok and Betawi language pages, and the Unifon con-script page.

For more Omniglot News, see:

You can also listen to this podcast on: Apple Podcasts, Amazon Music, Stitcher, TuneIn, Podchaser, PlayerFM or podtail.

If you would like to support this podcast, you can make a donation via PayPal or Patreon, or contribute to Omniglot in other ways.

Radio Omniglot podcasts are brought to you in association with Blubrry Podcast Hosting, a great place to host your podcasts. Get your first month free with the promo code omniglot.

Unlimited Web Hosting - Kualo

Omniglot News (06/10/24)

Omniglot News

Here’s the latest news from the world of Omniglot.

New language pages:

  • Datooga, a Southern Nilotic language spoken in parts of northern Tanzania.
  • Sobei, a Western Oceanic language spoken in Papua Province in eastern Indonesian.
  • Defaka (défàkà), an Ijoid language spoken in Rivers State in southern Nigeria.

New numbers pages:

  • Defaka (défàkà), an Ijoid language spoken in Rivers State the southern Nigeria.
  • Yapese (Thin nu Waqab), an Oceanic language spoken mainly on the island of Yap in Micronesia.
  • Ulithian (Yulidiy), a Micronesian language spoken mainly in Ulithi Atoll in Yap State in Micronesia.

New constructed script: Skálmvargic, which was invented by Kitsune Sobo as the native script of the Skálmvargar (Bladewolves) in the fictional Rhodinoverse

Sample text in Skálmvargic

New adapted script: RoHangul, which is a way to write Romanian with the Korean Hangul script created by Laura Brauman.

Sample text in RoHangul

On the Omniglot blog there’s a new post entitled Buttery Donkeys, about words for butter and donkey in Italian, Spanish and other languages. There’s also the usual Language Quiz. See if you can guess what language this is:

Here’s a clue: this language is considered a separate language by some people, but a dialect of another language by others.

The mystery language in last week’s language quiz was Hixkaryána, a Southern Guiana language spoken in Pará and Amazonas states in northern Brazil.

In this week’s Adventure in Etymology, Random Origins, we’re looking into the origins of the word origin, and randomly looking at the word random.

On the Celtiadur blog there’s a new post entitled Spinning, Twisting & Turning, about words for spin, twist, turn and related things, and I made improvements to the Legs & Feet post.

I also made improvements to the Yapese language page.

For more Omniglot News, see:

You can also listen to this podcast on: Apple Podcasts, Amazon Music, Stitcher, TuneIn, Podchaser, PlayerFM or podtail.

If you would like to support this podcast, you can make a donation via PayPal or Patreon, or contribute to Omniglot in other ways.

Radio Omniglot podcasts are brought to you in association with Blubrry Podcast Hosting, a great place to host your podcasts. Get your first month free with the promo code omniglot.

Unlimited Web Hosting - Kualo

Omniglot News (22/09/24)

Omniglot News

Here’s the latest news from the world of Omniglot.

New language pages:

  • Adhola (DhoPadhola), a Western Nilotic language spoken in the Eastern Region of Uganda.
  • Ntcham (ncam), a Northern Gur language spoken in Togo and Ghana.
  • Akha (A˯ka˯daw˯), a Southern Loloish language spoken in China, Myanmar, Laos, Thailand and Vietnam.

New constructed script and language: Yufrabiz, which was created by Max Greiner.

Sample text in Yufrabiz

New constructed script: Western Script, which was invented by Julius Alfred Cordova as an alternative way to write English and Spanish.

Sample text in Western Script

New numbers pages:

  • Adhola (DhoPadhola), a Western Nilotic language spoken in the Eastern Region of Uganda.
  • Akha (A˯ka˯daw˯), a Southern Loloish language spoken in China, Myanmar, Laos, Thailand and Vietnam.
  • Achang (Ngachang), a Tibeto-Burman language spoken in Yunnan province in southern China.

On the Omniglot blog we find out whether the French word heurter (door knocker) is related to the English word hurt in a post entitled Battering Down the Door. There’s also the usual Language Quiz. See if you can guess what language this is:

Here’s a clue: this language is spoken in Alaska in the USA.

The mystery language in last week’s language quiz was Maung (Mawng Ngaralk), an Iwaidjan language spoken on Goulburn Island in Arnhem Land in the Northern Territory of Austalia.

In this week’s Adventure in Etymology, we find out what the word Swan has to do with sonnets, sonatas and bells.

On the Celtiadur blog there’s a new post entitled Leader in Chief about words for leader, chief, president and so on in Celtic languages.

Improved page: New Akha con-script page.

I forgot to mention on the recording, but here’s a new song I wrote recently called Cats & Dogs:

For more Omniglot News, see:

You can also listen to this podcast on: Apple Podcasts, Amazon Music, Stitcher, TuneIn, Podchaser, PlayerFM or podtail.

If you would like to support this podcast, you can make a donation via PayPal or Patreon, or contribute to Omniglot in other ways.

Radio Omniglot podcasts are brought to you in association with Blubrry Podcast Hosting, a great place to host your podcasts. Get your first month free with the promo code omniglot.

Unlimited Web Hosting - Kualo

Omniglot News (11/08/24)

Omniglot News

Here’s the latest news from the world of Omniglot.

New language pages:

  • Chamacoco (Ɨshɨr), a Zamucoan language spoken in the Alto Paraguay department in northern Paraguay.
  • Mising (mising agom), an Eastern Tani language spoken mainly in Assam in the northeast of India.
  • Ocaina (Xáfahxajoh), a Bora-Huitoto language spoken mainly in northeastern Peru, and also in southern Colombia.
  • Ayoreo, a Zamucoan language spoken in northern Paraguay and eastern Bolivia.
  • Binumarien, a Kainantu language spoken in Eastern Highlands Province of Papua New Guinea.

New numbers pages:

  • Mising (mising agom), an Eastern Tani language spoken mainly in Assam in the northeast of India.
  • Ocaina (Xáfahxajoh), a Bora-Huitoto language spoken mainly in northeastern Peru, and also in southern Colombia.
  • Binumarien, a Kainantu language spoken in Eastern Highlands Province of Papua New Guinea.

New phrases page: Mising

New adapted script: Italorussian (Италоруссо), a way of writing Italian with the Cyrillic alphabet devised by Walter Loi.

Тутти љи эссэри умани насконо либэри эд эгўали ин дињита̀ э диритти. Эсси соно дотати ди раджонэ ди кощэнца э дэвоно адзирэ љи уни вэрсо љи альтри ин спирто ди фратэлланца.

On the Omniglot blog there’s a new post entitled Rucksacks & Mistletoe, in which we find out how the Italian word zaino (rucksack, backpack) is related to the English word mistletoe. There’s also the usual Language Quiz. See if you can guess what language this is:

Here’s a clue: this language was spoken in Oklahoma in the USA and is being revived.

The mystery language in last week’s language quiz was Chamacoco (Ɨshɨr), a Zamucoan language spoken in northern Paraguay.

In this week’s Adventure in Etymology, we find out what links the word Antique with words like eye, window and Antigua.

On the Celtiadur blog there’s a new post entitled Habitual Customs and words for habits, customs and related things.

For more Omniglot News, see:

You can also listen to this podcast on: Apple Podcasts, Amazon Music, Stitcher, TuneIn, Podchaser, PlayerFM or podtail.

If you would like to support this podcast, you can make a donation via PayPal or Patreon, or contribute to Omniglot in other ways.

Radio Omniglot podcasts are brought to you in association with Blubrry Podcast Hosting, a great place to host your podcasts. Get your first month free with the promo code omniglot.

Unlimited Web Hosting - Kualo