Say Something in Manx

There’s a new course on the SaySomethingin website: Manx (Gaelic). There are currently 10 free lessons in this introductory course, which follow the same format as the other languages on the site, as far as I can see, and 8 more lessons will be available soon.

I heard about this course at the Polyglot Gathering in Berlin in May from Ivan Baines, who was testing it at the time. It has now been launched.

I’m still working on SaySomethingin Cornish. So far I’ve got to lesson 5 and feel like I’ve learnt quite a lot and can say a variety of things.

The vocabulary for each lesson is now available on the lesson pages – previously it was only available on the forum. The design of the site has also improved, and it works well on smaller screens.

2 thoughts on “Say Something in Manx

  1. That seems very good, nice and simple. I think the promoters of Manx have done a very good job. They have made a huge amount of learning material easily available to anyone. From what I have seen, I don’t think this has been done quite so well with Cornish, but hopefully that is changing.
    Here is another Manx course that I worked on with a fluent Manx speaker:

  2. I’ve checked the Latin course but the pronunciation is quite bad. e.g. /latʰine/ instead of /latina/. I don’t know about the other courses though.

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