Omniglot testimonals

What are people saying about Omniglot? This is just a selection of quotes taken from the emails that trickle into Omniglot HQ.

"I have treasured your website for years. It was one of the first resources online that spurred inspiration to learn other languages than my own, and has continued since to benefit me in that endeavour."

"I am very excited to have found this site, it is awesome."

"Excellent site, by the way - what a tremendous amount of material you've collected! Great reference. "

"Your website is amazing!!!"

"First I'd like to thank you for the work you do, I intrest myself to scripts and languages (hobbie) and I have discover your site a few weeks ago, it's a gold mine!"

"I would like to thank you and write you my congratulations for you wonderful web-site, which is a clear, simple and useful source for who wants to increase his knowledge in languages like me and many other people."

"first of all my deepest respect for that work. i am absolutely impressed by the contents of the website omniglot."

"Thankyou for an awsome web site. It's absolutely incredible."

"I just wanted to say what a terrific site you have. It is by far the best resource on the net and I use it constantly."

"Just want to show my support and my gratitude for the existence of your site."

"Just a note to thank you for a wonderful and useful website!"

"I have been wondering around your website, and it is amazing how you have put such thing together. I just want you to know that I really love your work, and that it has helped me out a lot."

"Omniglot is an absolutely wonderful site. Keep up the good work!"

"Gyda llaw, dwi'n garu'ch gwefan chi! "

"I love your website and would like to congratulate you on the creation of such a fine resource. It has obviously been a tremendous labour of love for you and I hope that it will benefit you appropriately in a remunerative sense as well."

"Brilliant site, Simon"

"I love your site so much, it's so complex, I've learned so many things and I especially love the article 'which language should i learn?'"

"I want to thank you for putting up a wonderful website."

"I am glad to see that people are using the Internet for such resourceful and beneficial ways. Omniglot is a website really meant to frame the Internet as a useful, educational, yet fun modern tool of today."

"I think your website is truly a great resource for anyone looking to get started on learning a new language."

"Your site is a gem & continues to amaze me."

"I just wanted to pass this along to say how absolutely fantastic a site is! [..]

"Your website is the closest thing to a "linguistic drug addiction" that I have ever seen. I can literally sit for hours looking at everything on it i.e. alphabets, pronunciation, phrases, etc. I am so glad that I discovered it (although I don't for the life of me remember how I heard about it).

"Please keep up the good work. I have passed along the information on how to access your site to anyone I know who is also interested in languages. May I sincerely wish you the very best of success with it."

"I stumbled upon your site running a search for Braille. Wow. Outstanding resource and what a comprehensive undertaking...just wanted to say what you've done is fantastic. When I have a chance, I'll explore more."

"Your page is one of the best I've ever known on the net!"

"Mae eich holl wefan yn ddiddorol iawn. Diolch am rannu eich profiadau ar hyd y blynnyddoedd. Dw i'n edmygu eich brwdfrydedd a diddordeb."

"What an absolutely fascinating site and resource."

"Gosto muito do, acho o site incrível e muito interessante."

"J'apprecie beaucoup votre site, et je l'utilise souvent dans mes études des langues du monde."

"I would like to congratulate you for your WONDERFUL work provided at Omniglot! It is simply AWESOME!"

"Just wanted to let you know that your site is one of the best I've discovered in a long time!"

"In tanti anni di navigazione su internet non ho mai trovato un sito bello come questo!"

"[..] your website is wonderful!!! Thank you for putting it together!!!!! Its a wonderful tool, especially for those who travel often, but never stay long enough to learn the local language :)"

"Thanks for the great work that you've done on your site – captivating stuff, and useful."

"Thank you very much for Omniglot. It is an excellent resource for someone intensely interested in learning languages and writing systems as I am. :-)"

"Thank you so much for a truly wonderful, amazing and helpful site on the internet."

"Thank you for Omniglot. It's indispensable."

"Your website is an amazing source of linguistic information."

"I'm a huge fan of your site - its a truly fascinating resource!"

"Thanks for an amazing, informative, fun, clever and worthwhile website!"

"Congratulations on a wonderful site; very nicely done with very good information."

"Thank you very much for your amazingly informative website!!! "

"Absolute fabulous site!!"

"I am truly grateful to you for putting together such a wonderful source of information for people like me who are fascinated with languages!"

"I am visiting omniglot extensively and on a daily basis and I think it is a great website and certainly the best when it comes to writing systems and languages!"

"Many thanks for your endeavours on this amazing website."

"I think your website is absolutely wonderful; I have spent countless hours learning on there, and want to congratulate you on such an achievement!"

"Your website is an excellent resource that I frequently consult."

"What a brilliant site you have!"

"I really love your site, it's beautiful and great fun."

"I love the site, and think what you're doing is amazing!"

"I really like your website, you have done an amazing job."

"The Omniglot site is excellent and I always consult it. Congratulations!"

" just gets better and better! I just wanted to tell you how much I appreciate what you're doing, because I'm sure there are times when you wonder if anyone notices or cares. There may be no more worthy goal than that of helping people to understand one another better."

"Love your website! The linguistic center of the web!"

"Thank you for a wonderful collection of webpages, including an absolutely impeccable treatise of my mother tongue, Lower Saxon. Fabulous!!"

"It's awesome that you are able to provide a free of charge information based website and make it your living. Humanitarian!"

"I just have to say i love what you've done with your page. You can't just imagine how much it's done for me and how much it's helped me with my own languages. I think your site shold be known by everybody."

"I've been a fan of your website for years. I love the informative articles and I'm glad you take the time to put up such a USEFUL compendium of linguistic knowledge that doesn't require a PhD to decode!! :-)"

"Thanks for this site, it's really amazing and useful."

"Omniglot is a never ending chest full of awesomness."

"I really appreciate your efforts with that amazing site, it's been a tremendous help for me over the years, and probably my main resource whenever I'm traveling abroad."

"The website is marvelous and mind-blowing. I appreciate the efforts behind it. It is very informative and lets me learn so much more about lesser known languages."

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