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Books about various shorthand systems, and guides that help you to learn them.

Pitman | Gregg | Teeline | Other rapid writing systems

Pitman Shorthand

Shorthand Pitman 2000 (Teach Yourself)

Shorthand Pitman 2000 (Teach Yourself)

by Pitman's College

Pitman 2000 is a system designed for easy learning, with a speed potential to meet the demands of the modern business world. This book is a beginner's guide to the basic theory. It gives you a working vocabulary in Pitman 2000 in clear and easy stages. Each of the main sections contains a set of sounds and rules, short forms, phrases and exercises. Review exercises give you the opportunity to consolidate material already

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Pitman 2000: Shorthand Pocket Dictionary

Pitman 2000: Shorthand Pocket Dictionary

by Bryan Coombs

A pocket-sized guide to the shorthand outlines for approximately 20,000 of the most commonly used works in the English language. Short forms and contradictions are indicated by italics.

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Pitman New Era Shorthand

Pitman New Era Shorthand

by Audrey O'Dea

The fastest and most accurate shorthand system, it is in world-wide use with speeds of up to 350 words per minute. The phonetic system is ideal for specialist and technical use, and its speed makes it the first choice for all verbatim recorders. Includes practice sentences, short forms, phrase drills and practical dictation sections of letters, memos and reports. Provides appendices with advice on the treatment of figures and verbatim reporting. Gives a separate alphabetic list of short forms and intersections.

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Gregg Shorthand

Gregg Shorthand Manual Simplified

Gregg Shorthand Manual Simplified

by J.R. Gregg

- divided into two parts: Part I contains 26,098 words most commonly used in notation with their official shorthand outlines. Also included are words that are frequently used in such fields as medicine, law, engineering, chemistry, and many others. These words represent a large range of vocabulary, omitting derivites that are not needed in shorthand. Part II contains 2,604 proper names and geographic expressions including a list of 72 commonly used abbreviations.

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Gregg Shorthand: Dictation and Transcription

Gregg Shorthand: Dictation and Transcription

by Charles E. Zoubek and Gregg Condon

This text is designed to accomplish two major objectives: success in dictation and in transcription. Each lesson is divided into two parts. The first provides students with preview words to assure that dictation speed is attainable; the second develops specific skills needed in the transcription process.

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Teeline Shorthand

Teeline Fast

Teeline Fast

by Ann Dix

- Each theory point is immediately backed up with exercise practice to consolidate learning. All the exercises are presented in Teeline for all-important reading practice. The reading and dictation passages prepare students for exam work. Special outlines, distinguishing outlines and word groupings are highlighted so that they can be accessed quickly.

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EasyScript Express

EasyScript Express Unique Speed Writing Method To Take Fast Notes and Dictation

by Leonard Levin

EasyScript/ComputerScript is a simple, easy-to-learn, easy-to-remember, shorthand and speedwriting method. It is logical and makes sense. Best of all, you can master this method in just a few hours with our convenient self-study programs.

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Speedwriting for Notetaking and Study Skills

Speedwriting for Notetaking and Study Skills

by Joe Pullis

- offers an easy abbreviated writing system which helps students improve performance in notetaking, library skills, preparation of research papers, and minutes of meetings. Students learn to use letters of the alphabet, abbreviations, and other shortcuts to write faster. They also learn to be selective in what to put down, doing so in a useful format. The text also provides important aids to studying and reviewing effectively.

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Information about Shorthand | Tower of Babel in Pitman Shorthand | Tower of Babel in Gregg Shorthand | Books about Shorthand

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