Haoidh o

I learnt this waulking song from Christine Primrose at Sabhal Mòr Ostaig on the Isle of Skye in 2008.

Haoidh o

Haoidh o haoidh o-ho
Haoidh o a hi u bho
Haoidh o haidh o-ho

An cuala sibh mun mhaighdeann chèitich

Air an tug Niall Bàn an èiginn

Air taobh beinne ri latha grèineadh

'S truagh a rìgh nach b'e mi fhèin i

'S mi nach dèanadh glaodh no èughach

Cha sràcainn brollach a lèineadh

Na sràcadh gu fuaghlainn fhèin i

Le snàthaid bhig 's le snàth glè gheal

'S nighinn ann an sruthan slèibh i

'S truagh gun mise 's an t-òg gasda

Gun duin' air bith bhith nar faisge

Thigeamaid gu cliùteach dhachaidh

Mar gum pòsamaid o 'n altair

Haoidh o

Haoidh o haoidh o-ho
Haoidh o a hi u bho
Haoidh o haidh o-ho

Did you hear about the beautiful maiden
The one that Niall Bàn violated
At the mountain-side on a sunny day
I wish it had been me
I wouldn't have torn his shirt front
And if I had I, myself, would have sown it
WIth a small needle and fine white thread
And I'd wash it in the mountain stream
Tis a pity that I wasn't with the handsome young man
Without a soul near us
We would proudly return home
As if married from the altar

This song can be heard on:

Other versions of this song

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