Banjarese (Bahasa Banjar)

Banjarese is a member of the Malayic branch of Malayo-Polynesian languages. It is spoken by about 3.65 million people mainly in Indonesia, particularly in South Kalimantan, East Kalimantan and Central Kalimantan provinces, and also in West Kalimantan province. There are also about 5,000 speakers of Banjarese in Keningau, Sandakan, Tawau, Tenom districts of Sabah in Malaysia.

Banjarese is also known as Banjar, Bandjarese, Banjar Malay, Banjarese or Labuhan. There are two main dialects: Banjar Hulu and Banjar Kuala. It is closely related to Indonesian and Malay, and is considered a dialect of Malay.

Banjarese is written with the Latin alphabet, and sometimes with a version of the Arabic alphabet. It is used in newspapers, on TV and in literature.

Banjarese alphabet and pronunciation

Banjarese alphabet and pronunciation

Download an alphabet chart for Banjarese (Excel)

Details provided by Michael Peter Füstumum

Sample videos in Banjarese

Information about Banjarese | Phrases | Numbers


Information about Banjarese

Malayo-Polynesian languages

Alorese, Ambai, Ambel, Anuki, Balinese, Bambam, Banjarese, Batuley, Bengkulu, Biak, Bima, Bugis, Bushi, Chamorro, Duri, Fijian, Fordata, Gayo, Iban, Indonesian, Javanese, Kei, Kerinci, Komering, Lamaholot, Lampung, Ledo Kaili, Madurese, Makasarese, Malagasy, Malay, Mamasa, Mandar, Mandar, Mbula, Mentawai, Minangkabau, Mualang, Musi, Ngaju, Nias, Ogan, Palauan, Sasak, Selaru, Sumbawa, Sundanese, Toqabaqita, Toraja-Sa'dan, Ulumandaʼ, Urak Lawoi’, Wamesa, Yamdena

Languages written with the Latin alphabet

Page created: 23.06.21. Last modified: 26.07.21


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