How to count in Khanty (Ханты), an Ugric language spoken in parts of the Tomsk Oblast in Russia.
If any of the numbers are links, you can hear a recording by clicking on them. If you can provide recordings, please contact me.
Numeral | Cardinal | Ordinal |
1 | и (i) йи (ji) ит (it) | оԓӑӈмит (oļăņmit) |
2 | кат (kat), катн (katn) | кимит (kimit) |
3 | хәԓум (xĕłum) | хәԓмит (xĕłmit) |
4 | няӆ (njał) | няԓмит (njałmit) |
5 | вет (wet) | ветмит (wetmit) |
6 | хәт (xĕt) | хәтмит (xĕtmit) |
7 | ԓапӑт (łapăt) | ԓапӑтмит (łapătmit) |
8 | нивԓ (niwł) | нивӑԓмит (niwăłmit) |
9 | яртъяӈ (jartjaņ) | яртъяӈмит (jartjaņmit) |
10 | яӈ (jaņ) | яӈмит (jaņmit) |
11 | ихущьяӈ (ixuş̌ņjjaņ) | ихущьяӈмит (ixuş̌ņjjaņmit) |
12 | кӑтхущьяӈ (kătxuş̌jjaņ) | кӑтхущьяӈмит (kătxuş̌jjaņmit) |
13 | хәԓумхущьяӈ (xĕłumxuş̌jjaņ) | |
14 | няԓхущьяӈ (njałxuş̌jjaņ) | |
15 | ветхущьяӈ (wetxuş̌jjaņ) | |
16 | хәтхущьяӈ (xĕtxuş̌jjaņ) | |
17 | ԓапӑтхущьяӈ (łapătxuş̌jjaņ) | |
18 | нивԓхәс (niwłxĕs) | |
19 | ярхәс (jarĕs) | |
20 | xәс (xĕs) | |
30 | хәԓумъяӈ (xĕłjamjaņ) | |
40 | няԓъяӈ (njałjaņ) | |
50 | ветъяӈ (wetjaņ) | |
60 | хәтъяӈ (xĕtjaņ) | |
70 | ԓапӑтъяӈ (łapătjaņ) | |
80 | нивԓъяӈ (niwłjaņ) | |
90 | ай ярсот (aj jarsot) | |
100 | сот (sot) | |
200 | кӑтсот (kătsot) | |
300 | хәԓумсот (xĕłumsot) | |
1,000 | сёрас (sjoras) щўрс (ş̌ŭrs) |
If you would like to make any corrections or additions to this page, or if you can provide recordings, please contact me.
Hear some Khanty numbers:
Information about Khanty numbers
Information about Khanty | Numbers
Alphabetical index | Language family index
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