Godié (Betɩgwʋʋ)

Godié is a member of the Eastern Kru branch of the Niger-Congo language family. It is spoken in southern Ivory Coast, mainly in the Gbôklé Region in the southeast of the Bas-Sassandra District, and also in the neighbouring Gôh-Djiboua district. It is classified in some sources as a dialect of the Bété language.

Godié is also known as Dadjriwalé or Godye. Dialects include Tiglu, Glibe, Kagbo, Dagli, Nugbo, Dlogo, Jluko, Nyago and Koyo. The Kagbo dialect is the most widely understood.

Godié is written with a version of Latin alphabet using an orthography based on The Orthographic Conventions for Ivorian Languages created by the Institut de linguistique appliquée (ILA) of the Université Félix Houphouët-Boigny. It is used in the media and literature.

Godié alphabet

Godié Latin alphabet

Download alphabet charts for Godié (Excel)

Information about the Godié alphabet supplied by Wolfram Siegel (PDF)

Sample text

  1. Zozii lä a kä bhibhie nä, a ci nynä ‑mä, 'Bä! ‑Naa 'ŋnöö kplɔɔ! ‑Naa 'tɛtɩɩ kwli!
  2. ‑N 'nyɩ‑anyɩ ‑zɩkää' ylʋʋ' lülülʋʋ!
  3. ‑N cienö‑anyɩ nyenyi, Sä ‑anyɩ ‑mä 'sɩɩ ‑a cie lä ‑a lünyɩkpa nä! ‑Naa ‑tanö‑anyɩ ‑lä 'yi 'Nɩ ‑a 'gä ‑zɔɔpälɩɩ' bhlüü!

Source: https://www.bible.com/bible/3272/LUK.11.GOD


  1. And he said unto them, When ye pray, say, Our Father which art in heaven, Hallowed be thy name. Thy kingdom come. Thy will be done, as in heaven, so in earth.
  2. Give us day by day our daily bread.
  3. And forgive us our sins; for we also forgive every one that is indebted to us. And lead us not into temptation; but deliver us from evil.
    The Lord's Prayer - Luke 11: 2-4

Source: https://www.bible.com/bible/1/LUK.11.KJV

Sample video in Godié


Information about the Godié language and alphabet

Kru languages

Bassa, Bete (Daloa), Godié, Guere, Jabo, Neyo, Nyabwa, Wobé, Yocoboué Dida

Languages written with the Latin alphabet

Page last modified: 12.10.24


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