Nkoma Nkoma

Nkoma is an alternative way to write Lingala and other languages spoken in the Democratic Republic of the Congo (DRC) devised by Paoli Mbongo from Kinshasa. Other languages spoken in the DRC include Kongo, Swahili, Tshiluba and French.

Notable features

Nkoma alphabet

Nkoma alphabet

Download an alphabet chart for Nkoma (Excel)
Download a font for Nkoma

Sample texts in Nkoma in Lingala

Sample text in the Nkoma alphabet


Soki omoni na mboka moko bato bazo bina lokolo moko, yo pe bina lokolo moko.


If you see in a country that the inhabitants dance on one foot, you yourself dance on one foot. (When in Roman, do as the Romans).

Source: http://www.infosociale.org/proverbes-en-lingala.html

Sample text in the Nkoma alphabet

Bato nyonso na mbotama bazali nzomi pe bakokani na limemya pe makoki. Bazali na mayele pe base, geli kofanda na bondeko okati na bango.


All human beings are born free and equal in dignity and rights. They are endowed with reason and conscience and should act towards one another in a spirit of brotherhood.
(Article 1 of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights)

Scripts by Paoli Mbongo

Nkoma, Pangeul

Constructed scripts for: Ainu | Arabic | Chinese languages | Dutch | English | Hawaiian | Hungarian | Japanese | Korean | Lingala | Malay & Indonesian | Persian | Tagalog / Filipino | Russian | Sanskrit | Spanish | Taino | Turkish | Vietnamese | Welsh | Other natural languages | Colour-based scripts | Tactile scripts | Phonetic/universal scripts | Constructed scripts for constructed languages | Adaptations of existing alphabets | Fictional alphabets | Magical alphabets | A-Z index | How to submit a constructed script


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