Family words in Serbian

Words for family members and other relatives in Serbian, a South Slavic language spoken mainly in Serbia, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Montenegro, Croatia and Macedonia.

  Serbian (Српски)
family породица (porodica)
parents родитељи (roditelji)
father отац (otac)
mother мајка (majka)
мама (mama)
children деца (deca)
son син (sin)
daughter ћерка (ćerka)
husband муж (muž)
wife жена (žena)
brother брат (brat)
sister сестра (sestra)
uncle стриц (stric) - paternal
ујак (ujak) - maternal
теча (teča) father or mother's sister's spouse
aunt тетка (tetka) father or mother's sister
стрина (strina) father's brother's spouse
ујна (ujna) mother's brother's spouse
cousin рођак (rođak)
nephew нећак (nećak)
niece нећака (nećaka)
grandparents баба и деда (baba i deda)
grandfather деда (deda)
grandmother баба (baba)
grandchildren унуци (unuci)
grandson унук (unuk)
granddaughter унука (unuka)
great grandfather прадеда (pradeda)
great grandmother велики бака (veliki baka)
father-in-law свекар (svekar) husband's father
таст (tast) wife's father
mother-in-law свекрва (svekrva) husband's mother
ташта (tašta) wife's mother
brother-in-law девер (dever) husband's brother
шурак (šurak) wife's brother
sister-in-law заова (zaova) husband's sister
свастика (svastika) wife's sister


Family words in Slavic languages

Belarusian, Bulgarian, Croatian, Czech, Macedonian, Polish, Russian, Serbian, Slovak, Slovenian, Ukrainian

Family words in other languages


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