How to count in Puluwatese, a Micronesian language spoken mainly in Chuuk State in Micronesia.
For numbers from 1-9, various suffixes are used when counting different kinds of objects, animate things, or counting in general. The following abbreviations are used below: S = sequential numbers, G = general numbers, A = animate, L = long objects, R = round objects, F = flat objects. More details.
If any of the numbers are links, you can hear a recording by clicking on them. If you can provide recordings, please contact me.
Numeral | Cardinal | Ordinal |
1 | yéét (S) yeew (G) yálááray, yeráy (A) yefór(L) yefay (R) yeréé (F) |
yayewan mmwan |
2 | ŕúúw (S) ŕuwoow (G) ŕuweray (A) ŕuwefór, yakkélááŕuwefór (L) ŕuwefay (R) ŕuwaréé (F) |
yóŕuwow |
3 | yéél (S) yeluuw (G) yelúray (A) yélufór (L) yelúfay (R) yelúréé (F) |
yéélúwan |
4 | fáán (S) foow, ŕuwanú (G) faray (A) féfór, ffór, fóór, ŕuwefór (L) faafay (R) faaréé (F) |
yófowan |
5 | liim (S) limoow (G) limman (A) liffór (L) liffay, limefay (R) limaaréé (F) |
yálimow |
6 | woon (S) wonoow (G) wonoman (A) wonofór (L) wonofay (R) wonaaréé (F) |
yówonowan |
7 | fúús (S) féhuuw (G) fúúman (A) fúúfór (L) fúúfay (R) fúuréé (F) |
yaféhúwan |
8 | waal (S) waluuw (G) walúman (A) walefór (L) walufay (R) walúréé (F) |
yawaluwan |
9 | ttiw (S) ttiwoow (G) ttiwaman (A) ttiwafór (L) ttiwafay (R) ttiwaaŕéé (F) |
yattiwowan |
10 | heey, heeyik, yengool | yaheeyikan |
11 | heeyik me yeew | |
12 | heeyik me ŕuwoow | |
13 | heeyik me yeluuw | |
14 | heeyik me ŕuwanú | |
15 | heeyik me limoow | |
16 | heeyik me wonoow | |
17 | heeyik me féhuuw | |
18 | heeyik me waluuw | |
19 | heeyik me ttiwoow | |
20 | ŕuuwe | |
21 | ŕuuwe me yeew | |
22 | ŕuuwe me ŕuwoow | |
23 | ŕuuwe me yeluuw | |
24 | ŕuuwe me ŕuwanú | |
25 | ŕuuwe me limoow | |
26 | ŕuuwe me wonoow | |
27 | ŕuuwe me féhuuw | |
28 | ŕuuwe me waluuw | |
29 | ŕuuwe me ttiwow | |
30 | yellik | |
40 | fááyik | |
50 | lime | |
60 | wone | |
70 | flik | |
80 | waliik | |
90 | ttiwe | |
100 | yepwúkúw | |
200 | ŕuwapwúkúw | |
300 | yelúpwúkúw | |
400 | fapwúkúw | |
500 | limapwúkúw | |
600 | wonapwúkúw | |
700 | fúúpwúkúw | |
800 | walupwúkúw | |
900 | ttiwapwúkúw | |
1,000 | yengeŕay | |
2,000 | ŕuwangeŕay | |
3,000 | yelingeŕay | |
4,000 | fangeŕay | |
5,000 | limangeŕay | |
6,000 | wonangeŕay | |
7,000 | fúúngeŕay | |
8,000 | walingeŕay | |
9,000 | ttiwangeŕay | |
10,000 | kkit | |
100,000 | heeyik kkit yepwúkúw engeŕay |
once | fán eew |
Compiled by Wolfgang Kuhl
Information about Puluwatese numbers
If you would like to make any corrections or additions to this page, or if you can provide recordings, please contact me.
Information about Puluwatese | Numbers
Carolinian, Chuukese, Kiribati, Kosraean, Marshallese, Mokliese, Nauruan, Pingelapese, Pohnpeian, Puluwatese, Satawalese, Sonsorolese, Tobian, Ulithian, Woleaian
Alphabetical index | Language family index
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