The Tower of Babel (Genesis 11: 1-9)
Pɑpɛɛlɩ ɑtɛ nɑ ɩsɔ kutuluɣu ɑnɑɑm ŋmɑʋ
- Wɑɑtʋ ɩnɩ ɩ tɑɑ yǝlɑɑ tǝnɑ yɔɣɔtɑɣɑ nsǝmlɛ kʋlʋmtǝlɛ.
- Ɩlɛnɑ pɑ́ lɩɩ ilim tǝlɩɩlɛ tɔɔ nɑ pɑ́tɑlɑ Pɑpiloni tɛtɛkǝlɛ sɔsɔɔlɛ tɑɑ nɑ pɑ́siki tǝnɑ.
- Mpʋɣʋlɛ pɑ heelɑ tǝmɑ sɩ: Ɩ ́kɔɔ nɑ tǝ́ loo pilikinɑɑ nɑ tǝ́ wɔ-wɛɣɛ kɔkɔ. Ɩlɛnɑ pɑ́ lɑnɑ pilikinɑɑ kɛ pɛɛ lonte nɑ pɑ́lɑnɑ kɑɑloo kɛ́somtu lonte.
- Nɑ pɑ́tɑsɑ yɔɣɔtʋɣʋ sɩ: Ɩ ́kɔɔ nɑ tǝ́ŋmɑ́ɑtɛ nɑ ɩsɔ kutuluɣu ɑnɑɑm nɑ kʋ́yoosinɑ ɩsɔtɔnʋɣʋ nɑ tɑ́hǝtɛ yɑɑ. Ɩlɛ tǝ kɑɑ tɑsɑ yɑʋ kɛ yem kɛ́tɛtʋ tǝnɑ tɑɑ.
- Mpʋɣʋlɛ Tɑcɑɑ tiiwɑ sɩ ɩ nɑɑkɩ ɩcɑtɛ nɑ ɑtɛ nɑ ɩsɔ kutuluɣu ŋku yǝlɑɑ piyɑ ŋmɑwɑ tɔ.
- Ɩlɛnɑ Tɑcɑɑ tɔ́sɩ: Ɩ ́nɑwɑ, pɑ tǝnɑ ɩsǝntɔ pɑ kɛ́yǝlɑɑ kʋlʋmɑɑ kɛ,́ nɑ pɑ kɑɑ nsǝmlɛ kʋlʋmtǝlɛ. Pɑ cɑɑlʋɣʋ ɩsǝntɔ tɔ pʋlʋpʋ kɑɑ kɑɣɑtɩ- wɛɣɛ mpi pɑɑ hɔkɔ sɩ pɑ lɑkɩ tɔ pǝ tɑɑ.
- Ɩlɛ mɑɑ tii nɑ mɑ liɣiti pɑ nsǝmlɛ nɑ pɑ́tɑɑ nɩɩkɩ tǝmɑ kʋyɔɣɔtʋtʋ.
- Ntɛnɑ Tɑcɑɑ yɑsɩ-wɛɣɛ ɑntulinyɑ tǝnɑ tɑɑ nɑ pɑ́ yele pɑ ɩcɑtɛ ŋmɑʋ.
- Mpʋ pǝ yelinɑ nɑ pɑ́hɑ ɩcɑtɛ ntɛɣɛ hǝtɛ sɩ Pɑpɛɛlɩ. Mpi tɔ, tǝnɑɣɑ Tɑcɑɑ liɣitɑ yǝlɑɑ nsǝmlɛ, nɑ ɩ́yɑsɩ-wɛɣɛ ɑntulinyɑ tǝnɑ tɑɑ.
Source: Kɑncɑɑlɑɣɑ. PIIPILI ƖSƆ TƆM TAKƎLAƔA. Portions of the Holy Bible in the Lokpa language of Benin. SIM 1999.
Contributed by Wolfgang Kuhl
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Tower of Babel in Gur languages
Tumulung Sisaala,
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