Saurashtra for Gujarati (ꢱꣃꢬꢵꢰ꣄ꢜ꣄ꢬ ꢭꢶꢦꢶ)

Saurashtra for Gujarati is a way to write the Gujarati language with the Saurashtra script, which was created for Saurashtra in the 19th century. It was devised by Aahan Kotian, who was inspired by knowing that Saurashtra is descended from the speech of Gujarati immigrants who settled in Tamil Nadu in the 16th century. It is how Aahan imagined Gujarati would look like if it was written in a South Indian style script. He also firmly believes that the valuable heritage of the Saurashtra script should be preserved and protected for future generations and that this may help in some small way to bring more attention to it.

Notable features

Saurashtra for Gujarati

Download a script chart for Saurashtra for Gujarati (Excel)

Sample text

ꢦ꣄ꢬꢡꢶꢰ꣄ꢝꢵ ꢂꢥꢿ ꢂꢣꢶꢓꢵꢬꣂꢥꢷ ꢣꢺꢰ꣄ꢜꢶꢥꢿ ꢱꢬ꣄ꢮꢿ ꢪꢵꢥꢮꣂ ꢙꢥ꣄ꢪꢢꢷ ꢱ꣄ꢮꢡꢥ꣄ꢡ꣄ꢬ ꢂꢥꢿ ꢱꢪꢵꢥ꣄ ꢲꣂꢫ꣄ ꢘꢿ꣎ ꢡꢿꢪꢥꢵꢪꢵꢀ ꢮꢶꢗꢵꢬ꣄ꢯꢒ꣄ꢡꢶ ꢂꢥꢿ ꢂꢥ꣄ꢡꢁꢒꢬꢠ꣄ ꢲꣂꢫ꣄ ꢘꢿ ꢂꢥꢿ ꢡꢿꢪꢠꢿ ꢦꢬꢱ꣄ꢦꢬ꣄ ꢨꢥ꣄ꢤꢸꢡ꣄ꢮꢥꢷ ꢮꢬ꣄ꢡꢮꢸꢀ ꢙꣂꢄꢍ꣎

Transliteration (Gujarati alphabet)

પ્રતિષ્ઠા અને અદિખારોની દૃષ્ટિને સર્વે માનવો જન્મથી સ્વતન્ત્ર અને સમાન્ હોય્ છે. તેમનામાં વિચાર્શક્તિ અને અન્તઃકરણ્ હોય્ છે અને તેમણે પરસ્પર્ બન્ધુત્વની વર્તવું જોઇએ.

Transliteration (Latin alphabet)

Pratiṣṭhā anē adikhārōnī dr̥ṣṭinē sarvē mānavō janmathī svatantra anē samān hōy chē. Tēmanāmāṁ vicārśakti anē antaḥkaraṇ hōy chē anē tēmaṇē paraspar bandhutvanī vartavuṁ jōiē.


All human beings are born free and equal in dignity and rights. They are endowed with reason and conscience and should act towards one another in a spirit of brotherhood.
(Article 1 of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights)

You can ask Aahan more about this adaptation at aahankotian[at]proton[dot]me

Information about Saurashtra | Numbers

Information about Gujarati | Phrases | Numbers | Time | Tower of Babel | Learning materials

Learn Gujarati with uTalk

Gujarati language resources on Amazon

Adapted scripts by Aahan Kotian

Canadian Aboriginal Syllabics for Cherokee (ᙦᘧᗳ), Saurashtra for Gujarati (ꢱꣃꢬꢵꢰ꣄ꢜ꣄ꢬ ꢭꢶꢦꢶ), Thaana for Arabic (އަލްކިތާބަތް އަލްމާލްދީފިޔްޔަ)

Constructed scripts for: Ainu | Arabic | Chinese languages | Dutch | English | Hawaiian | Hungarian | Japanese | Korean | Lingala | Malay & Indonesian | Persian | Tagalog / Filipino | Russian | Sanskrit | Spanish | Taino | Turkish | Vietnamese | Welsh | Other natural languages | Colour-based scripts | Tactile scripts | Phonetic/universal scripts | Constructed scripts for constructed languages | Adaptations of existing alphabets | Fictional alphabets | Magical alphabets | A-Z index | How to submit a constructed script


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