Numbers in Chamorro

How to count in Chamorro (Finu' Chamoru), a Malayo-Polynesian language spoken on the island of Guam and in the Northern Mariana Islands.

In Modern Chamorro numbers borrowed from Spanish are used. In Old Chamorro there were separate numbers for counting living things (LT), inanimate things (IT), long objects (LO) and for general counting (GC).

If any of the numbers are links, you can hear a recording by clicking on them. If you can provide recordings, please contact me.

Numeral Cardinal Ordinal
0 tåya’ (GC)
1 unu, una, uno
håcha (GC)
maisa (LT)
hachiyai (IT)
takhachun (LO)
2 dos
hugua (GC)
hugua (LT)
hugiyai (IT)
takhuguan (LO)
3 tres
tulu (GC)
tatu (LT)
toʼgiyai (IT)
taktulun (LO)
4 kuåttruʼ, kuatro
fatfat/fåtfat (GC)
fatfat (LT)
fatfatai (IT)
takfatun (LO)
5 singkuʼ. singko
lima (GC)
lalima (LT)
limiyai (IT)
takliman (LO)
6 sais
gunum (GC)
guagunum (LT)
gonmiyai (IT)
taʼgunum (LO)
7 sietti, siette
fiti (GC)
fafiti (LT)
fotgiyai (IT)
takfitun (LO)
septemu, séptimu
8 ochu’, ocho
guåluʼ (GC)
guagualu (LT)
guatgiyai (IT)
taʼgualun (LO)
oktabu, oktåbu
9 nuebi, nuebie
sigua (GC)
sasigua (LT)
sigiyai (IT)
taksiguan (LO)
10 dies
månot (GC)
maonot (LT)
manutai (IT)
takmaonton (LO)
11 onse
månot na gai hacha (GC)
12 dosse
månot na gai hugua (GC)
13 tresse
månot na gai tulu (GC)
14 katotse
månot na gai fatfåt (GC)
15 kinse
månot na gai lima (GC)
16 disisais, dies i sais
månot na gai gunom (GC)
17 disisiete, dies i siete
månot na gai fiti (GC)
18 disiocho, dies i ocho
månot na gai gualo’ (GC)
19 disinuebi, dies i nuebe
månot na gai sigua (GC)
20 benti, bente
hugua na fulu (GC)
21 bente unu
hugua na fulu na gai hacha (GC)
22 bente dos
hugua na fulu na gai hugua (GC)
23 bente tres
hugua na fulu na gai tulu (GC)
24 bente kuattro
hugua na fulu na gai fatfåt (GC)
25 bente singko’
hugua na fulu na gai lima (GC)
26 bente sais
hugua na fulu na gai gunom (GC)
27 bente siette
hugua na fulu na gai fiti (GC)
28 bente ocho’
hugua na fulu na gai gualo’ (GC)
29 bente nuebi
hugua na fulu na gai sigua (GC)
30 trenta
tutu na fulu (GC)
40 kuårenta
fåtfat na fulu (GC)
50 sinkuenta
lima na fulu (GC)
60 sisenta
gunom na fulu (GC)
70 sitenta
fiti na fulu (GC)
80 ochenta
guålo’ na fulu (GC)
90 nubenta
sigua na fulu (GC)
100 siento
gåtus (GC)
gåtus (LT)
gåtus (IT)
gåtus/manapo (LO)
200 dos sientos
hugua na gåtos (GC)
300 tres sientos
tulu na gåtos (GC)
400 kuåtro sientos
fåtfat na gåtos (GC)
500 sinko sientos
lima na gåtos (GC)
600 sais sientos
gunom na gåtos (GC)
700 siete sientos
fiti na gåtos (GC)
800 ocho sientos
guålo’ na gåtos (GC)
900 nobesientos sientos
sigua na gåtos (GC)
1,000 mit
chålan (GC)
10,000 dies mit
100,000 siento mit
1,000,000 un miyón

Hear some Chamorro numbers:

Information about counting in Chamorro

If you would like to make any corrections or additions to this page, or if you can provide recordings, please contact me.

Information about Chamorro | Phrases (Guam dialect) | Phrases (North Marianas dialect) | Numbers

Numbers in Malayo-Polynesian languages

Alorese, Ambel, Araki, Bambam, Balinese, Banjarese, Batak (Toba), Batuley, Bengkulu, Biak, Bugis, Chamorro, Fordata, Iban, Indonesian, Javanese, Kei, Kerinci, Komering, Lamaholot, Lampung, Madurese, Malagasy, Malay, Minangkabau, Motu, Paku, Selaru, Sumbawa, Sundanese, Tado-Lindu, Tokodede, Ulumandaʼ, Urak Lawoi’, Wamesa, Wandamen, Yakan, Yamdena

Numbers in other languages

Alphabetical index | Language family index


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