Useful phrases in Igbo

A collection of useful phrases in Igbo, a Volta-Niger language spoken in Nigeria and Equatorial Guinea by about 18 million people.

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English Ásụ̀sụ̀ Ìgbò (Igbo)
Welcome Nnọọ
Hello (General greeting) Ndeewo
How are you? Kedụ?
Kee ka ị mee?
Olee otu i mere?
Kedụ ka ọ dị?
Kee kwanụ?
Kedụ ka ị mere?
Reply to 'How are you?' Ọ di mụ mma
A di mụ mma
Long time no see Anya ịị
Anya gị
Anya n'ibie (reply)
Anya n'ibe ya (reply)
What's your name? Kedụ aha gị?
Kedụ afa gị?
My name is ... Aha m bụ ...
Afa m bụ ...
Where are you from? Onye ebee ka ị bụ?
I'm from ... A bụ m onye ...
E si m ...
Pleased to meet you Nnọọ
Good morning
(Morning greeting)
Ị bọọla chi (How did you wake?)
Ị saala chị
Ị pụtakwaa ọfụma
Ị larụkwaa ọfụma
Good afternoon
(Afternoon greeting)
Ndewo (reply)
Good evening
(Evening greeting)
Ndewo (reply)
Good night Ka chi foo
Ka ọ bọọ (reply)
(Parting phrases)
Ka ọmesịa
Ka ọ dị (see you)
Ya gazie
Ka ọ dị echi (see you tomorrow)
Good luck! Ya gaziere gị
Nwee chi ọma
Cheers! Good Health!
(Toasts used when drinking)
Mma mma nụ!
Have a nice day Ya gaziere gị taa
(May it go well for you today)
Bon appetit /
Have a nice meal
Rie nke ọma
Nri abịagọ
Oriri adaa
Bon voyage /
Have a good journey
I understand Aghọtara m
Aghọtalụ m
I don't understand Aghọtaghị m
Aghọtarọ m
I don't know Amaghị m
Amarọ m
Please speak more slowly Biko jịrị nwayọ kwuo okwu
Please say that again Biko, kwuo ịhe ahụ ọzọ
Please write it down Biko detuo ya
Do you speak English? Ị na-asụ Bekee?
Ị na-asụ oyibo?
Do you speak Igbo? Ị na-asụ Igbo?
Yes, a little
(reply to 'Do you speak ...?')
Eee, a na m asụ obele Igbo
Eee, a na m asụ ntakịrị Ịgbo
Speak to me in Igbo Sụọrọ m Igbo
Sụọlụ m ịgbo
Gwam okwu n'Igbo
How do you say ... in Igbo? Kedụ ịfe ana akpọ ... n'asụsụ Igbo?
Kedụ ịhe ana akpọ ... N'asụsụ Igbo?
Kedụ ka e si ekwu ... n'asụsụ ịgbo?
Gịnị ka a na-akpọ ... n'Igbo?
Excuse me Biko chere (for attention)
Biko, chetụ (for attention)
Biko, iwe e wela gị (begging pardon)
Biko, e wel iwe (begging pardon)
How much is this? Ego ole ka ihe a bụ?
Egọ one ka ịfe a bụ?
Ihe a ọ bụ ego ole?
Sorry Ndo
Gbaghara m (Forgive me)
Gbaghalụ m (Forgive me)
Please Biko
Thank you Ị meela
Reply to thank you Nsogbu adịghịị
Nsogbu adịrọọ (No worries)
Where's the toilet / bathroom? Ebee ka ụlọ mposi dị?
This gentleman will pay for everything Ezi Nwoke a ga-akwụ ụgwọ ịhe niile
This lady will pay for everything Ezi nwanyị a ga-akwụ ụgwọ ịhe niile
Would you like to dance with me? Ị chọrọ ka mụ na gị gbaa egwu?
I miss you Obi gị na-eme m
I love you A hụrụ m gị n’anya
A fụlụ m gị n'anya
Get well soon Ndo
Gbakee ngwa ngwa
Go away! Pụọ ebe a!
Si ebe a pụọ!
Si m n'iru pụọ!
Leave me alone! Hapụ m aka!
Rapụ m aka!
Haa m aka!
Help! Nyere m aka!
A chọrọ m enyemaka!
Nyelụ m aka!
Fire! Ọkụ!
Ọkụ na-agba!
Stop! Kwụsi!
Call the police! Kpọọ ndị uwe ojii!
Christmas greetings Ekene Ekeresimesi
New Year greetings Ekene afọ ọhụụ
Ekene arọ ọfụụ
Easter greetings Ekene mbilite ọnwụ Kristi
Birthday greetings Ekene ncheta ọmụmụ
Congratulations! Nnọọ nụ!
Chukwu alụka!
Ị nwaka! (you've done well)
Unu anwaka! (you (plural) have done well)
One language is never enough Otu asụsụ anaghị ezu Ofu asụsụ anarọ ezu
My hovercraft is full of eels Azụ juputara na hovercraft m
Azụ juputara n'ụgbọ ikuku m


In Igbo tradition there are no specific greetings for afternoon and evening - ndeewo or daalụ are the traditional Igbo greetings during the day. Mgbedeọma / ụtụtụọma / ehihieọma are a modern trend by some people who made literal translations of the English greetings good morning / good afternoon / good evening).

Corrections, additions and recordings by Nkiruka Obi of Igbo Conversation Hour, Ann Okuefuna, Charles Njoku, Ijeoma Akubue and Yvonne Chioma Mbanefo.

Hear some Igbo phrases:

If you would like to make any corrections or additions to this page, or if you can provide recordings, please contact me.

Information about Igbo | Phrases | Numbers | Colours | Tower of Babel | Nwagụ Aneke script


Other collections of Igbo phrases

Phrases in Volta-Niger languages

Ewe, Igbo, Yorùbá

Phrases in other languages


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