Useful phrases in Maldivian

A collection of useful phrases in Maldivian, an Indo-Aryan language spoken in the Maldives and on India's Minicoy Islands.

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Key to abbreviations: frm = formal, inf = informal

English (Maldivian) Divehi / ދިވެހ
Welcome (Maruhabaa) މަރުޙަބާ
Hello (General greeting) frm - (Assalaamu Alaikum) އައްސަލާމު ޢަލައިކުމް
inf - (Kihineh?) ކިހިނެހް؟
How are you? inf - (Kihineh?) ކިހިނެހް؟
frm - (Haalu kihineh?) ހާލު ކިހިނެހް؟
(rarely used)
Reply to 'How are you?' ރަންގަލހު, ޝުކުރިއްޔާ
good, thanks - (Ran'galhu, shukuriyaa)
ރަންގަލހު ނޫނ
not good - (Ran'galhu noon)
Long time no see  
What's your name? (Kon nameh kiyanee?) ކޮން ނަމެއް ކިޔަނީ؟
My name is ... (Aharenge namakee ...) އަހަރެންގެ ނަމަކީ ...
Where are you from? (Kon rasheh?) ކޮނ ރަށެހް؟
I'm from ... (Alhugan'dakee ... rayyitheh) އަލހުގަންޑަކީ ... ރަޔޔިތެހް
Pleased to meet you ބައްދަލުވީތީ ވަރަށް އުފާވެއްޖެ
(Baddhalu vee thee varah ufaavejje)
Good morning
(Morning greeting)
(Ba'ajjeveri hendhuneh) ބައްއަޖޖެވުރި ހެނދުނެހް
Good afternoon
(Afternoon greeting)
(Ba'ajjeveri mendhureh) ބައްއަޖޖެވުރި މެނދުރެހް
Good evening
(Evening greeting)
(Ba'ajjeveri haveereh) ބައްއަޖޖެވުރި ހަވީރެހް
Good night (Ba'ajjeveri reygade) ބައްއަޖޖެވުރި ރެޔގަޑެ
(Ufaaveri nidhume) އުފާވެރި ނިދުމެ
(Parting phrases)
(Dhanee) ދަނީ
Good luck! (Kaamiyaabakah edhen) ކާމިޔާބަކަހް އެދެނ
Cheers! Good Health!
(Toasts used when drinking)
Have a nice day (Ba'ajjeveri dhuvahey) ބައްއަޖޖެވުރި ދުވަހެޔ
Bon appetit /
Have a nice meal
(Meerukon' kaalacchey) މީރުކޮން ކާލަޗޗޭ
Bon voyage /
Have a good journey
(Hih'heyo kollaathi) ހިހްހެޔޮ ކެލލާތި
Yes (Aan) އާނ
No (Noon) ނޫނ
I don't know inf - (Mashakah neyngey) މަށަކަހ ނޭނގޭ
frm - (Ahannakah neyngey) އަހަނނަކަހ ނޭނގޭ
I understand inf - (Mashah ingey) މަށަހ އިގޭ
frm - (Ahannah ingey) އަހަނނަހ އިގޭ
I don't understand (Ahannakah neyngunu) އަހަނނަކަހ ނޭނގުނު
Please speak more slowly މަޑުމަޑުނ ވާހަކަ ދެކކި ދާނެތަ؟
(Madumadun vaahaka dhekki dhaanetha?)
ސލޮވ ކޮހ ވާހަކަ ދެކކި ދާނެތަ؟
(Slow koh vaahaka dhekki dhaanetha?)
Please say that again (Keekey?) ކީކޭ؟
(Adhi ehburu buneba) އަދި އެހބުރު ބުނެބަ
Please write it down inf - (Theethi liyedheeba?) ތީތި ލިޔެދީބަ؟
frm - (Theethi liyedhevidhaanetha?) ތީތި ލިޔެދެވިދާނެތަ؟
Do you speak English? އިނގިރޭސިން ވާހަކަ ދައްކަން އިނގޭތަ؟
(Ingireysin vaahaka dhakkan ingeytha?)
Do you speak Maldivian? ދިވުހިބަހުނ ވާހަކަ ދައްކަން އިނގޭތަ؟
(Dhivehibahun vaahaka dhakkan ingeytha?)
Yes, a little
(reply to 'Do you speak ...?')
(Aan, varah kudakon) އާނ, ވަރަހ ކުޑަކޮނ
How do you say ... in Maldivian?  
Excuse me (Ma'aaf kurey) މަޢާފް ކުރޭ
How much is this? (Kihaavarakah?) ކިހާވަރަކަހ؟
(Meethi kihaavarakah?) މީތި ކިހާވަރަކަހ؟
Sorry (Ma'aaf kurey) މަޢާފް ކުރޭ
Please (Adhes kohfa) އަދެސ ކޮހފަ
Thank you (Shukuriyyaa) ޝުކުރިއްޔާ
Reply to thank you (Maruhabaa) މަރުޙަބާ
Where's the toilet / bathroom? (Koba faahana?) ކޮބަ ފާހަނަ؟
This gentleman will pay for everything މަ ބޮޔފުލހާ ހުރިހާ އޮހްޗަކަހ ލާނި ދަކކާނެ
(Mi beyfulhaa hurihaa eh'chakah laari dhakkaane)
This lady will pay for everything މަ މަނޖެ ހުރިހާ އޮހްޗަކަހ ލާނި ދަކކާނެ
(Mi manje hurihaa eh'chakah laari dhakkaane)
Would you like to dance with me? (Mashaa eku nashaanantha?) މަށާ އެކު ނަށާނަނތަ؟
(Alhugandaa eku nashaanantha?) އަލހުގަނޑާ އެކު ނަށާނަނތަ؟
I miss you  
I love you (Kalaa dheke varah loabivey) ކަލާ ދެކެ ވރަހ ލޯބިވޭ
(Varah loabivey) ވރަހ ލޯބިވޭ
Get well soon އިނށަ އަލލަހ ތި ބަލި ރަންގަޅު ވާނޮ ކަމަހ
(Insha allah thi bali ran'galhu vaane kamah!)
Go away! (Dhaan ulhey) ދާނ އުޅޭ!
(Dhurah dhey!) ދުރަހ ދޭ!
Leave me alone! (Aharen ekani dhukoh laa!) އަހަރެނ އެކަނި ދުކޮހ ލާ!
Help! (Salaamai!) ސަލާމައި!
Fire! (Alifaan!) އަލީފާނ!
Stop! (Madu kurey!) މަޑު ކުރޭ!
Call the police! (Sifaannah gulhaaba!) ސިފާނަހ ގުޅާބަ!
New Year greetings (Ufaaveri aa aharakah edhen) އުފާވެރި އާ އަހަރަކަހ އުދެނ
Easter greetings Not celebrated
Birthday greetings އުފާވެރި އުފަނދުވަހަކަހ އެދެނ
(Ufaaveri ufandhuvahakah edhen)
One language is never enough އެނމެ ބަހެހ އިނގުނ ނުފުދޭނެ
(Enme baheh ingun nu-fudheyne)
My hovercraft is full of eels މަގޭ hovercraft ފުރާ ހުސ ވެނ
(Magey hovercraft furaa hus ven)
Shut up! އަނގަ މަޑުނ ލައިގެނ ހުރެބަ
(Anga madun laigen hureba)

Corrections and additions by Lishan Abbas

If you would like to make any corrections or additions to this page, or if you can provide recordings, please contact me.

Information about Maldivian | Phrases | Numbers | Tower of Babel


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