Useful phrases in Tem

A collection of useful phrases in Tem (Kotokoli), a Gur language family spoken in Togo, Ghana and Benin.

Key to abbreviations: pl = plural (said to more than one person)

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See these phrases in any combination of two languages in the Phrase Finder. If you can provide recordings, corrections or additional translations, please contact me.

Phrase Tem
Welcome Gáabɩté!
Nyána boɖé!
Mɩ́na kɔńɖɛ́!
Hello (General greeting) Bavɩ́nɩ kazɔ́ɔ!
Mɩ́vɩ́nɩ kazɔ́ɔ! (pl)
Hello (on phone) Aloó!
How are you? Bɩyáásɩ́ nɖɔ́ɔ?
Nyána nyádɩ?
Reply to 'How are you?' Alaafɩ́ya!
Mána mádɩ.
Long time no see Ɖána bɩ́ɩ́zɩ!
(how many years our separation has lasted!)
Ɖána leeri! (long time)
Ɖána wá náálɛ!
(It's been two long days that we didn’t see each other)
What's your name? Bánÿaá nya sɩsɩ wé?
Susuwé gɛ́ bánÿaá nyá?
Nyáyɩ́ɖɛ gɛ susuwé?
My name is ... Bánÿaá má sɩsɩ ...
Máyɩ́ɖɛ gɛ ...
Where are you from? Mɩ́nyɔ́ɔ́ mɩ́ɩ́lɩɩná lé?
I'm from ... Máálɩɩná ...
Mágalɩ́ná ...
Pleased to meet you Mɛ́ɛgɛ́tɩnya nɛ́!
Good morning
(Morning greeting)
Bavɩ́nɩ kazɔ́ɔ!
Nyáávɩ́nɩ kazɔ́ɔ!
Mɩ́vɩ́nɩ kazɔ́ɔ! (pl)
Bɩyáásɩ́ nɖɔ́ɔ?
Good afternoon
(Afternoon greeting)
Nyána wɩ́sɩ!
Good evening
(Evening greeting)
Nyána ɖaanɩ́ŋa!
Good night Ɩsɔ́ɔ iféézi! ( “God may awaken!)
(Parting phrases)
Bɩlá bɩtásɩ!
Nbó na ngɔ́nɩ!
Good luck! Ɖána kʊjʊʊ́ niíni!
Cheers! Good Health!
(Toasts used when drinking)
Have a nice day
Bon appetit /
Have a nice meal
Bon voyage /
Have a good journey
Ndalaná alaafíya!
Yes Ɩɩ́n!
No Aayɩ́!
Maybe Nabʊ́rʊ
I don't know Ohóó!
Do you understand?
I understand Mánnáa
I don't understand Mádánɩ́ɩ
Please speak more slowly
Please say that again
Please write it down
Do you speak English? Nyánŋmatɩ́ Ingilíísi?
Do you speak Tem? Nyánŋmatɩ́ Tem?
Yes, a little
(reply to 'Do you speak ...?')
Máásɩ naanɩ́!
(I don’t know it well enough!)
Do you speak a language
other than
Speak to me in Tem Ŋmaa ma Tem daá.
How do you say ... in Tem? Susuwé gɛ́ bánÿaá ... Tem daá?
Excuse me Lasuúru!
Gaafára! (to give pardon)
Salááma aléékum! (for entering a house)
How much is this? Nŋɩ́nɩ́ gɛ́ bánÿaá kɩna?
Nŋɩ́nɩ́ gɛ́?
Ɩŋɩ́nɩ́ ɩŋɩ́nɩ́?
Sorry Lasuúru!
Please Lasuúru!
Thank you Nákokári!
Ɩsɔ́ɔ boɖí! (for a gift)
Ɩsɔ́ɔ fá lááɖá! (for a gift)
No-oɖé! (for a service)
Na tɩmɛ́rɛ! (for a service)
Reply to thank you Bɩdaláa nabʊrʊ́ (not to mention)
Wenbi nyɔzɔɔlɛ́ɛ ná
Where's the toilet / bathroom? Wɩlɩ́ɩ ma sɔɔnɩ!
This gentleman will pay for everything
This lady will pay for everything
Would you like to dance with me?
Do you come here often?
I miss you
I love you Mɔɔzɔɔlɛ́ɛ nya
Mɔ́zɔɔlɛ́ɛ nya
Get well soon
Go away! Ɖɛɛ́!
Leave me alone!
Help! Sɩná ma!
Stop! Sɩ́ɩŋ!
Call the police!
Christmas greetings
New Year greetings Đána talɩ́ɩ!
Easter greetings
Birthday greetings
Congratulations! Maazanyá! Saḿtɩ́!
One language is never enough
My hovercraft is full of eels

Phrases provided by Haiko Hoffmann

If you would like to make any corrections or additions to this page, or if you can provide recordings, please contact me.

Information about Tem | Phrases

Phrases in Gur languages

Kabiye, Mossi, Tem

Phrases in other languages


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