Weather words and weather-related expressions in Neolatin(Neolatino), an international auxiliary language designed to be used by speakers of Romance languages to communicate with one another.
Neolatino | English |
Lo tèmpo | The weather |
La previsione de lo tèmpo | The weather forecast |
Que tèmpo face? Como està lo tèmpo? |
What's the weather like? |
Face caldo Face calore |
It's hot warm |
Face molto calore Face molto caldo Face caldíssimo |
It's very hot |
Lo caldo èst insopportàbile | The heat is unbearable |
Face frégedo | It's cold |
Face uno pauco frégedo | It's a bit cold |
Face fresco | It's cool |
Comentsa ad fàcere frégedo | It's getting cold |
Èst fregedíssimo | It's icy |
Èst aggratàbile | It's nice fine |
Face bòn tèmpo Face bòno tèmpo Face bèllo tèmpo |
It's beautiful weather |
Que bèllo día Que bèllo jorno |
What a beautiful day! |
Face malo tèmpo | It's bad weather |
Face un tèmpo horríbile | It's awful weather |
Èsta húmedo | It's humid |
Lo vènto | Wind |
Hi ha vènto | It's windy |
Èst tempestoso | It's stormy |
Lo sole | Sun |
Èst solejjato | It's sunny |
La nuve | cloud |
Èst nuvoloso Està nuvoloso |
It's cloudy |
Hi ha nèvola | It's foggy |
la plòjja la plobbia |
rain |
Èsta plovendo Plòve |
It's raining |
Èsta nevando | It's snowing |
la gràndine | hail |
la neve | snow |
lo tòno lo tonitro |
thunder |
tònare | to thunder |
lo fúlmine | lightning |
fulminare | to lightning |
lo arco-íris | rainbow |
La tempèsta | storm |
La temperatura | temperature |
la nèvola | fog |
la nevolina | Mist |
Lo gèlo | Frost |
Èsta gelato | It's frosty |
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Information about Neolatin | Phrases | Numbers | Time | Family words | Weather words
Breton, Bulgarian, Chinese (Mandarin) Cornish, Czech, Dutch, Finnish, French, German, Irish, Italian, Kadazandusun, Neolatin, Russian, Spanish, Swedish, Welsh
Useful phrases | Silly phrases | Numbers | Numerals | Colours | Telling the time | Dates | Weather words | Family words | Terms of endearment | Language names | Country names | Idioms | Proverbs | Tongue twisters | Signs | Compass directions | UDHR | Tower of Babel | Songs | Omniglot | Seven dwarfs | Zodiac signs | Computer parts | Compass directions | Animal sounds
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