Assorted 'useful' foreign phrases

These phrases come mainly from phrasebooks and language courses. Some of them are intended to illustrate particular grammatical points, others I just found amusing. Finding occasions to use them might be quite challenging, but you'll probably have fun trying. Maybe you could use them as ice breakers, chat-up lines, as part of a comedy routine, or for some surreal conversations.

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Hvor er den nærmeste rutsjebane?
Where is the nearest roller-coaster?

Bjørnens produktion er dyr men ikke umulig
The bear's production is expensive but not impossible

Anden spiser ikke sæben når den svømmer i vandet
The duck does not eat the soap when it swims in the water

Skildpadderne har ikke tid på fredag
The turles do not have time on Friday

Ninjaer drikker altid øl efter arbejde
Ninjas always drink beer after work

Hvorfor er du ond?
Why are you evil?

En elefant snakker ikke Dansk
An elephant doesn't speak Danish.

Mændene spiser ikke tallerkenerne
The men are not eating the plates

Skildpadden drikker te
The turtle is drinking tea

Anden læser avisen
The duck is reading the newspaper

Anden drikker vin
The duck is drinking wine

Drengen læser andens avis
The boy is reading the duck's newspaper

Kyllingen læser bogen
The chicken is reading the book

En and siger godmorgen
A duck says good morning

Det blå dyr spiser det sorte jordbær
The blue animal is eating the black strawberry

Det regner med øl
It's raining beer

Katten tager jakken på
The cat puts on the jacket

Koen spiser mandens æbleskiver mens han kigger væk
The cow eats the man's applesskives while he looks away

Min kat har vundet en flaske vin
My cat has won a bottle of wine

Grævlingen slog min søster med pølserne
The badger hit my sister with the sausages

Bjørnen har ikke sit pas, fordi anden har taget det
The bear does not have its passport because the duck has taken it

Musen stjæler min brors risengrød
The mouse steals my brother's rice pudding

Den lille mand på taget spiser risengrød
The little man on the the roof is eating rice pudding

Tærterne var store og grønne før kyllingen spiste den
The pies were big and green before the chicken ate them

Pindsvinet lagde frikadellerne på panden
The hedgehog put the meatballs in the pan

Det lille egern stjæler den store tigers lakrids
The little squirrel is stealing the big tiger's licorice

Myrene importerer rugbrød
The ants import rye bread

Bjørnen har lavet mad
The bear has cooked food

Aben og tigeren er gode venner
The monkey and the tiger are good friends

Bjørnen mistede sin havestol i havvandet
The bear lost its garden chair in the sea water

Min trætte pingvin bliver fundet grundet fremragende betjente
My tired penguin is being found because of excellent officers

Pigen bliver opdraget af den kloge bjørn
The girl is being raised by the smart bear

Arbejder giraffen for pressen?
Does the giraffe work for the press?

Forfatteren og hvalen er begge store dele af den underlige presse
The writer and the whale are both big parts of the strange press

Jeg er ikke et syngende bord
I am not a singing table

Hvorfor har du en syngende gris?
Why do you have a singing pig?

Hvorfor har jeg et lysende barn?
Why do I have a glowing child?

Denne enhjørning skal flyves i sikkerhed
This unicorn has to be flown to safety

Huset blev ødelagt af den sure grævling
The house was destroyed by the angry badger

Den grønne grydelap findes kun i dine drømme
The green pot holder exists only in your dreams

Pludselig var elefanten væk
Suddenly the elephant was gone

Hekse bruger magi til at lave morgenmad til deres katte
Witches use magic to make breakfast for their cats

Det er ikke min skyld, at rumvæsnet stjæler mine lektier hver dag
It is not my fault that the alien steals my homework every day

Hvorfor har du købt et rumskib af den underlige person uden tænder?
Why have you bought a spaceship from that weird person without teeth?

Vikingen putter under dynen, når det er koldt om natten.
The viking snuggles under the duvet when it's cold at night.

Pingvinen ville have åbnet en forretning i den kolde region hvis den havde pengene
The penguin would have opened a business in the cold region, if it had the money

Min bedste ven er et grønt spøgelse, der bor i min tantes hus
My best friend is a green ghost which lives in my aunt's house

Bjørnen kan ikke beholde sit badeværelse
The bear cannot keep its bathroom

Det er min tur til at give børnen øl
It is my turn to give beer to the bear

Djævlen spiser pigens is mens hendes mor mødes med en vampyr
The devil eats the girl's ice cream while her mother meets with a vampire

Manden sagde at grævlingen spiste ost under et interview.
The man said that the badger ate cheese during an interview.

Krabben kan ikke lide gruppearbejde
The crab doesn't like group work

Elefanten elsker nødder, men fåret stjæler dem altid.
The elephant likes nuts, but the sheep always steels them.

Sådan en fisk drikker ikke øl
Such a fish doesn't drink beer

Hunden laver pandekager og spejlæg til manden om morgenen
The dog makes pancakes and fried eggs for the man in the morning

Bjørnen kan ikke opdrages af pingviner
The bear cannot be raised by penguins

Hvor er osteskærerne gemt i dette hjem
Where are the cheese slicers hidden in this home?

Egernet er vores kaptajn
The squirrel is our captain

Jeg kan ikke betale dig for elefanten
I cannot pay you for the elephant

Leverpostejen kræver at isbjørnen forlader værelset
The liver pâté demands that the polar bear leaves the room.

Bjørnen rækker øllen til katten
The bear hands the beer to the cat

Konklusionen var at bjørnen ikke måtte spise ris på badeværelset
The conclusion was that bears were not allowed to eat rice in the bathroom

Elefanten har vasket koen hver dag i et år
The elephant has washed the cow every day for a year

Har du en sjov skildpadde?
Do you have a funny turtle?

Månen er gul fordi den er lavet af ost
The moon is yellow because it is made of cheese

Er solsortene ved at kigge efter mågens nøgler?
Are the blackbirds lookings for the seagull's keys?

Bjørnen kan ikke spille håndbold men anden kan
The bear cannot play handball, but the duck can


People who have contributed to this section

If you would like to make any corrections or additions to this page, or if you can provide recordings, please contact me.

Information about Danish | Useful phrases | Silly phrases | Numbers | Colours | Family words | Time | Terms of endearment | Tongue twisters | Tower of Babel | Learning materials

Silly phrases

My hovercraft is full of eels | Stop the world, I want to get off! | Say cheese! | Colorless green ideas sleep furiously | I am the king of the chickens | So Long, and Thanks for All the Fish | Thingamajig

Silly phrases in particular languages

Czech, Danish, Dutch, Esperanto, Finnish German, Romanian, Russian, Scottish Gaelic, Spanish, Swedish, Welsh

Other phrases

Index by phrase | Index by language | Index by language family | Phrase finder


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