Useful Latin phrases

A collection of useful phrases in Latin (LINGVA LATINA), an Italic language that was spoken throughout the western Roman Empire until 480 AD. That continued to be used as a language of international communication, scholarship, science and the Roman Catholic Church until the 18th century, and remains the official language of the Holy See and the Roman Rite of the Catholic Church.

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Key to abbreviations: frm = formal, inf = informal, sg = singular (said to one person), pl = plural (said to more than one person), >m = said to males, >f = said to females

English LINGVA LATINA (Latin)
Welcome Salve
Hello (General greeting) Heus (inf)
Salve (sg)
Salvete (pl)
How are you? Quomodo vales?
Quid agis? (sg)
Quid agitis? (pl)
Quid res tecum sunt?
Esne salvus/salva?
Reply to 'How are you?' Valeo (sg)
Valemus (pl)
Long time no see Quantum tempus!
What's your name? Quid est nomen tibi?
My name is ... Nomen mihi est ...
Where are you from? Unde es?
I'm from ... ... sum
Pleased to meet you Libens sum
Mihi placet
Good morning
(Morning greeting)
Quid agis mane?
Good evening
(Evening greeting)
Bonum Vesper!
Good night Bona Noctem
Bonum Noctem
(Parting phrases)
Vale (sg)
Aveto (sg)
Valete (pl)
Avetote (pl)
Good luck! Bona Fortunam!
Bone Fortunam!
Cheers! Good Health!
(Toasts used when drinking)
Bona sanitatem!
Bonum sanitatem!
Bone Sanitatem!
Bene tibi!
Have a nice day Die dulci fruimini
Bon appetit /
Have a nice meal
Bene sapiat!
Bona appetitionem!
Bone appetition!
Bon voyage /
Have a good journey
Bonum cursum!
Do you understand? Intellegisne? (neutral expectation)
Intellegistisne? (pl)
Intellegis nonne? (positive expectation)
Intellegistis nonne? (pl)
Intellegis num? (negative expectation)
Intellegistis num? (pl)
Scis nonne?
Scistis nonne?
Scis num?
Scistis num?
I understand Intellego
I don't understand Nullo intellego
Yes Vero (true)
Ita (So, True)
Ita Vero (Certainly)
Ita Est (It Is So, True)
Etiam (Even So)
Sane (Surely, No Doubt)
Sane Quidem (Yes, No Doubt)
Certe (Certainly, Unquestionably)
Factum (True, It's A Fact, You're Right)
No Non (not so, no)
Non intellego (I don't understand.)
Nullo modo (by no means)
Minime (not at all, 'in the smallest degree')
Minime vero (no, not by any means)
Non quidem (certainly not)
Non hercle vero (certainly not, by Hercules!)
Maybe Forte
I don't know Non intellegio
Non scio
Please speak more slowly Sodes, loquere paulo lentius
Please say that again Dic iterum sivis
Iterum dicere potes?
Please write it down Sodes, id scribes?
Do you speak English? Dicesne Anglus? (sg)
Dicestisne Anglus? (pl)
Do you speak Latin? Loquerisne Latine?
Loquerisne linguam latinam?
Yes, a little
(reply to 'Do you speak ...?')
Sic, paululum linguae Latinae dico
I'm learning Latin linguam Latīnam discō
linguae Latīnae studeō
Do you speak a language
other than
Dicesne linguam praeter Latinam? (>f)
Dicesne linguam preater Latinum? (>m)
Speak to me in Latin Place dices mihi Latine
How do you say ... in Latin? Quomodo ... Latine dicas?
Excuse me Me excusa (sg)
Me excusate (pl)
How much is this? Quanti constat?
Sorry Ignosce mihi!
Please Amābō tē
Thank you Gratias tibi ago (inf)
Gratias vobis ago (frm/pl)
Multas gratias vobis ago
Reply to thank you Precare (sg)
Precamini (pl)
Where's the toilet / bathroom? Ubi sunt latrinae?
Ubi sunt loca secreta?
Ubi est conclave necessarium?
Ubi est balneum?
This gentleman will pay for everything Hic dominus toto pendet
This lady will pay for everything Haec domina toto pendet
Do you come here often? Venisne hac saepe? (sg)
Venistisne hac saepe? (pl)
Would you like to dance with me? Mecum ballare vis?
I miss you Te desum ("You I am without")
I love you Te amo
Get well soon Convalescas ex aegroto mox
Go away! Cede! (sg)
Cedite! (pl)
Leave me alone! Abi! (sg)
Abite! (pl)
Help! Adiuva! (sg)
Adiuvate! (pl)
Fire! Ignis!
Stop! Siste! (sg)
Sistete! (pl)
Call the police! Denuntiatores voca! (sg)
Denuntiatores vocate! (pl)
Christmas greetings Natale hilare
New Year greetings Annum faustum
Easter greetings Prospera Pascha sit
Birthday greetings Felix dies natalis
Felix sit natalis dies
Congratulations! Gratulationes!
One language is never enough Una lingua numquam satis est
My hovercraft is full of eels Mea navis volitans anguillis plena est
Navis volitans mihi anguillis plena est
I wish you well Tibi bene volo
Let the good times roll! Bona tempora volvant!

Hear some Latin phrases:


There are no exact equivalents of Yes or No. Instead, you just repeat the verb. For example, if someone asks you "Intellegisne?" (Do you understand?), the positive reply is "Intellego" (I understand), and the negative is "Non intellego" (I don't understand). The translations shown here for these words are other ways to answer questions.

Recordings by Phil Stamato. Corrections and additions by Phil Stamato, Bill Darlington and Monique Finley

Download all the sound files (Zip, 840K)

If you would like to make any corrections or additions to this page, or if you can provide recordings, please contact me.

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Collections of Latin phrases

Phrases in Romance/Italic languages

Aragonese, Aranese, Aromanian, Asturian, Catalan, Corsican, Extremaduran, French, Friulian, Galician, Gallo, Gascon, Guernésiais, Italian, Jèrriais, Ladino, Latin, Occitan, Mirandese, Monégasque, Mozarabic, Picard, Portuguese (Brazlian), Portuguese (European), Romanian, Romansh, Sardinian (Campidanese), Sardinian (Logodorese), Sicilian, Spanish, Venetian, Walloon

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