A collection of idiomatic expressions in Czech with English equivalents and translations.
Idioms | English versions |
Je to pro mne španĕlská vesnice | It's all Greek to me (lit. "it's a Spanish village to me") |
Padají trakaře | It's raining cats and dogs (lit. "it's raining wheelbarrows") |
Šplouchá mu na maják | A sandwich short of a picnic (lit. "it's splashing on his lighthouse") |
Zaplatit majlant | To cost and arm and leg (lit: "to pay Mailand" - Mailand is a German name for Milan, which was known for its richness in Middle Ages) |
Je to to samé v bledě modrém | To be the same in blue (lit: "to be the same in light blue") |
Pánská jízda | The stag party (lit: "mens' ride") |
Jako by hrách na stěnu házel | Like throwing peas at the wall |
Jedním uchem tam, druhým ven | Like a water on duck's back (lit. "in one ear, out the other") |
Hladit hada bosou nohou | to walk into the lion's den (lit: "to pat a snake with bare feet") |
Trn v oku | A thorn in one's side (lit: "a thorn in one's eye") |
Házet perly sviním | Cast pearls before swine |
Být ze stejného těsta | To be cut from the same cloth (lit: "to be made from the same dough") |
Zatlačit někoho ke zdi | To drive someone up the wall |
Smrdět | To be fishy (lit: "to stink") |
Mít zlou předtuchu / Mít tušení / Tušit zradu |
To smell a rat (lit: "to have a bad preminition / to suspect a betrayal") |
Knedlík v krku | A frog in the thoat (lit: "a dumpling in the throat") |
Šrotit / Šprtat | To hit the books |
Hujer/ Šprt | An eager-beaver |
Držet se na uzdě | Hold one's horses (lit: "the hold oneself back") |
Být v pasti | To be in a pickle (lit: "to be in a trap") |
Bruslit na tenkém ledu | To be in a hot water (lit: "to skate on thin ice") |
Natáhnout bačkory | To kick the bucket (lit: "to straighten one's soft shoes") |
Poslední kapka | The last straw (lit: "the last drop") |
Nehoří to | It does not hold water (lit: "it is not burning") |
Jednou za uherský rok | Once in a blue moon (lit: "once in a Hungarian year") |
Být pasé | To be over the Hill (lit: "to be passé") |
Číst mezi řádky | To read between the lines |
Pohnout kostrou | To shake a leg (lit: "to move one's skeleton") |
Docvaknout | To see the light (lit: "to click in spot on") |
Třást se jako osika | To shake like a leaf (lit: "to shake like an aspen-tree - the tree on which Judas hanged himself") |
Zatím to ujde | So far so good (lit: "it is going on good so far") |
My o vlku (a vlk za humny) | Speak of the devil (lit: "we (are speaking) about the wolf, (and the wolf is in the backyard)") |
Chvástat se cizím peřím | To take a leaf from someone's book (lit: "to burst in pride from somebody's else feather") |
Hodit flintu do žita | Throw in the towel (lit: "to throw the rifle into the rye") |
Špička ledovce | The tip of the iceberg |
Dvacetčtyři hodin denně | 24/7 |
Otočit se k někomu zády | Turn one's back on |
Snesl by j? modré z nebe | He would do anything for her (lit. "He can take the blue from the sky for her") |
To si piš | This certainly will be (lit. "You must write it") |
Czech idioms compiled by Martina Spidlova with recordings by Jan Jurčík
More collections of Czech idioms
Information about Czech | Useful phrases | Silly phrases | Numbers | Family words | Colours | Weather | Idioms | Tongue twisters | Tower of Babel | Learning materials
If you would like to make any corrections or additions to this page, or if you can provide recordings, please contact me.
It's all Greek to me | It's raining cats and dogs | As easy as falling off a log | A sandwich short of a picnic | It's small world | When pigs fly | Out of sight, out of mind | Crystal-clear | Penny Pinching | Practice makes perfect | The grass is always greener | As Snug as a Bug in a Rug
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