Touo is spoken by about 1,900 people in the south of Rendova Island in the Western Province of the Solomon Islands. It is classified as a member of the Central Solomons group of the Oceanic branch of the Malayo-Polynesian language family. However, some linguists believe it to be a language isolate.
Touo is also known as Baniata, Mbaniata or Lokuru, which come from the names of the largest villages where the language is spoken. Touo speakers call the language and themselves Touo. It is written with the Latin alphabet, although there is no standard spelling system.
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Muriw, mia Busuma endo, a̰na eri isi ḭdw oanga-zere mia a̰ma isi tu endo tu-e-ngw. Vo rubo horafa modovo, vo rubo horafa modovo. A̰na musona endo, zo fiuzte dare zo rou dare teo ḭa enengw, demi be o ia isita nae be a̰zo ba zungie vea.
Long time ago, straight across (from Rano village) in Busuma, two small eel brothers lived in a small pool across (from Rano village). As time passed by, the pool had become too small. On one day, the older brother said to the younger brother (now), our home has become too small, so one of us will move.
Source: Touo: An Exploration of Grammar through Narration
Information about Touo
Adzera, Ahamb, Äiwoo, Aneityum, Apma, Araki, Are, ’Auhelawa, Avava, Babatana, Bariai, Bola, Big Numbas, Buhutu, Bwaidoka, Caac, Cheke Holo, Dorig, Hiri Motu, Hiw, Hoava, Kakabai, Kaninuwa, Kokota, Kove, Kurti, Lakon, Lehali, Lenakel, Lewo, Lote, Lo-Toga, Löyöp, Manam, Marovo, Maskelynes, Mato, Mavea, Mono-Alu, Motu, Mussau-Emira, Mwotlap, Nafsan, Nahavaq, Namakura, Nanggu, Nduke, Neve‘ei, Neverver, Ninde, North Efate, Nume, Paamese, Papapana, Raga, Rotuman, Roviana, Sa, Sakao, Saliba, Siar, Sio, Ske, Sobei, Sursurunga, Tamambo, Tami, Teanu, Tigak, Tirax, Tolai, Touo, Ubir, Ughele, Uneapa, Vatlongos, Vitu, Vurës, Western Fijian, Yabem, Yapese
Languages written with the Latin alphabet
Page created: 19.02.24. Last modified: 19.02.24
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