Partical Celtic Cognates

These words are cognate (related) in two or more of the six modern Celtic languages. Click on the English translations to find out more about them on the Celtiadur blog

Celtic cognates

Complete Cognates, Partial Cognates . Cognates arranged thematically: Adjectives | Animals | Birds | Clothes | Colours | Conjunctions | Countries | Directions | Food and Drink | Landscape | Buildings | Languages | Metals | Musical terms | Numbers | Parts of the body | People | Pronouns | Prepositions | Sea creatures | Time expressions | Trees and Plants | Verbs | Weather | Tools | Other words | Names

Words marked † are archaic/obsolete.

Gaeilge (Irish) Gàidhlig (Gaelic) Gaelg (Manx) Cymraeg (Welsh) Kernewek (Cornish) Brezhoneg (Breton) English
abhaill abhall afallen avalen avalwez apple tree
abair abair abbyr to say, to speak
ábhar adhbar oyr material, matter, reason
a(c) ha(g) ha(g) and, while
achadh achadh field, garden, enclosure, hedge, plain
adha addas adas† fitting, worthy, proper
adhal adhal aall fork, trident
adhbrann abane ankle
admhaigh addef anavout to acknowledge, admit
agh agh eilon, eilion stag, deer, hart
aghaidh aghaidh oai face, front
aí, a(o)i ai hwyaden hos houad duck, swan
ol† ail ôl ol heul since, mark, footprint, track
aineach, eineach eanach wyneb enep eneb face, honour, reputation
ainmhí ainmhidh anifail eneval aneval animal, beast
ainnir ainnir anner annor annoar heifer, girl, maiden
áireamh àireamh earroo eirif eirimotor† number, count(ing), sum
áirí àirigh eairee hill pasture, sheiling, milking place
áitreabh aitreabh adref dhe-dre habitation, building, homewards
Alba Alba Nalbin Yr Alban Alban Scotland
Albain Nua Alba Nuadh (Yn) Albin Noa, Nalbin Noa Alban Newydd Alban Nowydh Nova Scotia
allúrach allmharach allmyr foreign(er), exotic, strange(r)
allta allaidh oaldey wild, savage, predatory
allwedd alhwedh alc'hwez key
altán ealtainn ellyn alsen, alten aotenn razor, sharp knife
am àm am time
amh amh aw of raw, uncooked
amhas amhas amaeth ammeth ambaith† servant, ploughman, savage
ar draws a-dreus a-dreuz across, traverse
araile arall aral arall (an)other
aran aran arran bread
arbeir† arfer use, usage, practice
arc(án) orc(an) ark piglet, sow
arg† eira ergh erc'h snow
art† àra arth arth arzh bear
áru† arrey aren kidney
asgwrn askorn askorn bone
áth àth aah ford
athair athair ayr -atr† father
awel awel avel wind, breeze
bailc bailc balch balgh balc'h proud, arrogant, strong
baile baile balley beili home, town, bailey
báisteach baisteach Bashtagh rain, Baptist
balla balla boalley gwal, wal gwal wall
bán bàn bane bân† white, fair
bás bàs basse death
básaigh bàsaich geddyn basse to die, dead
basc† basc† baich begh bec'h load, burden
bascead basgaid basca(i)d, baskad basgeg basket basket, pannier
beach beach bee, drone
bearach biorach bustach (?) bullock, heifer
béarla, Béarla Beurla Baarle speech, English
béas beus beaoil moes boaz habit, virtue, moral(ity)
bedd bedh bez grave, ditch
béile beil meal, diet
beir beir behr beru berañ to carry, to flow
beithíoch beathach baagh animal, beast
biail biail† bwyell bool bouc'hal axe, hatchet
bile bile billey pill pil tree, mast, bush, trunk
biss† bys bys biz finger
biwro buro burev bureau, office
blawd bleus bleud flour
bleidmhíol† bleidh-mhial blaidd bleydh bleiz wolf, sea monster
blew blew blev hair, bristles
bòc boch bogh boc'h cheek, bloat
boda, bwncath bargos baou buzzard
bog bog bog boug soft, tender
bolaigh boladh to taste, to smell
bonn bonn boyn sole, base, foot
bòtann, bòtais, bùtais bootys bot(is), bwtias botas botez boot, shoe
borr bòrr puffed up, swollen, proud
bóthar bòthar bayr beudr bownder road, alley, lane
brac brac braich bregh brec'h arm, hand
bradán bradan braddan salmon
braon braon brey (?) drop, drizzle
bran bran brân bran bran crow, raven
bras bras bras bras bras great, big, swift
brat brat brat brat brozh cloak, mantle, skirt
bréag breug breag lie, falsehood
brenin bryntin, brentin brientin king, aristocrat
brí bre† bre bre bre hill, mount, hillock, height
briathar briathar breear brwydr word, verb, battle
briocht lled(f)rith brith† charm, spell, enchantment
bríste briogais breeçhyn brits(h) bragez, bragoù trousers, breeches
brith brith brizh speckled, variegated
brithyll brithel brezel trout, mackerel
bróg bròg braag brog shoeboot
brollach brollach brollagh breast, bosom
brón bròn bran brwyn sad
bruth bruth brooan brwd broud hot, heat, rash
brydio bryjyon broudañ to boil, to burn
buan buan buan fast, lively, quick
buí buidhe bwee yellow
buinne ben cart, wagon, wattle
bunadh bunadh bunneydagh bonedd origin, nobility, lineage
byson bysow bizou ring, jewel
cadrán cadarn cadarn† hard, strong
caer ker kaer fort, town
caí† cae ke kae field, hedge
caib caibe kiebbey caib pickaxe, spade, dibble
caill† caill kell kell testicle
cailleach cailleach caillagh old woman, hag, witch
cailleach oíche cailleach-oidhche caillagh oie owl
cáin càin fine, tax, duty
caint cainnt caaynt speech, to speak, talk
caladh cala calloo, callee harbour, landing place
caladh caled kales kalet hard, stingy
callor, callawr kalter kaoter cauldron, kettle, boiler
calon kolon kalon heart, soul
cana cana cenau cub, puppy, kitten
caoin caoin keain cain ken tender, gentle, mild
caoch caoch kyagh coeg koog one-eyed, blind
caol caol keyl cul kul narrow
caomh caomh cu kuv kuñv dear, gentle, sweet
caora caora keyrrey caer† sheep, ewe, roebuck
cas cas cast curly, twisted, complicated,difficulty
casadh casadh cassey to curl, twist, turn
casair casair cesair keser kazarc'h hail
caseg kasek kazeg mare
casúr casar casoor hammer
cathair cathair caayr fortress, monastery, city
ceannaigh ceannaich chionnaghey to buy, to purchase
cearc cearc kiark hen, chicken
ceart ceart kiart certh right, just, true
cefn keyn kein back
cegin kegin kegin kitchen
cegin kegin kegin, kegin-derv jay, woodpecker
ceil ceil keill cêl kel to hide, to conceal
ceo ceò kay, kyeoh fog, mist
cerdded kerdhes kerzhet to walk
cét† gan gans gant with, by
chwech hweg c'hwek sweet, delicate
chwilio hwilas c'houilia to search, to seek
cinio kinnyow koanier dinner, supper, to dinev
cinnteach cinnteach kinjagh definite, certain, constant
cíos cìs keesh rent, tax, fine
ciotach ciotach kyttagh chwith left
cis, ciséan cis, cisean, ciosan kishan basket, creel
cistin cistin kishteen kitchen
cláirseach clàrsach claasagh harp
clamhán clamhan clowan buzzard
clár clàr claare clawr kleur board, table, cover
cleacht cleachd claightey custom, use, habit
cló clò clou clo klaou bolt, lock, nail
cloichshneachta clach-shneachd claghyn sniaghtee hail, hailstones
cloth clòth† clod clos† klod fame, praise, renown
cluain cluain clun meadow, pasture, moor
cluas cluas cleaysh clust ear
cnámh cnàimh craue cnaw bone, skull
cneas cneas cnawd kneus kneud (?) skin, flesh
coch coch, cough red
codail caidil caddil to sleep
coed, coeden koos koad forest, wood, tree
cogadh cogadh caggey war, fighting
cogar cogar cyngor whisper, advice, counsel
coir coire caredd cara† karez mistake, sin
cóir còir cair cywair just, rightful
comhachag cuan kowann, cowan kaouenn owl
colainn colann callin celain body, torso, corpse
collach cullachcollach collagh muc ceilliog kalloc'h boar, hog, stallion
coludd kolodhyon kaouded intestine, guts, heart
colum† cwlwm kolm, kolmen skoulmoù, skoulm knot
com cwm komm komm (deep) valley, coombe
comhar coimheart cymar kespar partner(ship), companion, spouse
comhdháil còmhdhàil coardail cynhadledd meeting, accord, conference
comio kows, kewsel komz, kaozeal to speak, to say, to talk
cónaígh còmhnaidh cummal to live, to grip
cora caradh cored kored weir, dam
corcra corcar porffor purpur pourpré purple
cos cas, cos cass coes koos leg, foot
cosán casan cassan path
cosúil cosail cosoylagh cyhafal kehaval resembling, similar, alike
céide cèide pant pans pant hill(ock), hollow, slope
craobh craobh crouw branch, tree, bush
crean crean prynu prena prenañ to buy, to purchase, to obtain
cramen kramenn scab, sore, crust
crëyr *querhair heron
cri kriv kriz raw, crude
crodh crodh cattle, wealth, dowry
cróga crògha cruel, brave, bold
cró crò crau krow blood, gore
cragen, crogen krogen krogenn shell(s)
cruach cruaidh creoighey steel
cruinniú cruinneachadh cruinnaght crynhofa gathering, assembly
cruit cruit cruitçh crwth krowd harp, crwth, fiddle
cruth cruth croo pryd shape, form
cryf krev kreñv strong, forceful, solid
cúacca† gwag gwag gwak empty, soft, delicate
cuan cuan keayn sea, ocean, harbour, bay
cuarán cuaran carrane cu(a)ran, cwaran boot, sandal
cuas cuas cau kew kev hollow, cavity, cave
cudd kudh kuzh secret, hidden
cusan kussyn kiss
cwch kok kouc'h boat, beehive
cwmwl kommol koumoul fog, mist, cloud
cwsg kosk kousked sleep, slumber
cwyn kon koan dinner, supper
cyffylog kevelek kefeleg woodcock
cyllell kollell kontell knife
cynnull kuntel kuntuilh collection, gathering, picking
cysgu koska kousket to sleep
cywaith koweth(es) companion, comrade, friend
dáil dàil dadl dadhel dael meeting, assembly, argument
damhna damhna defnydd devnydh danvez matter, material, substance
dán dàn daan dawn donezon poem, gift, faculty
dalta dalta doltey foster child, pupil, disciple
danas demm (fallow) deer
daor daor deyr servile, unfree, expensive
dara dala derrey second
dath dath daah colour, dye
dea- deagh da da da good, well, pleasant
dealg dealg jialg dala delc† needle, pin, sting
déan dèan jean geni to do, to make
dearg dearg jiarg red
dinnéar dinnear jinnair dinner
díog dìg jeeg ditch, dike, trench
diogel diogel diogel safe, secure, sure
díon dìon jeen protection, waterproof, roof
dlí dlighe dyled dlead law, debt, duty
dochtúir dotair doghtoor doctor
dod, dyfod dos donet to come
doineann doineann dorrin stormy weather, storm, tempest
doirb doirb durrag worm, larva, beetle
dóthain daothain saie enough, sufficiency
domhan domhan dowan dwfn, dyfn world, earth, universe
dona dona donney bad, unfortunate
donn donn dhone dwn brown, dun
dorcha dorcha dorraghey dark(ness), obscure
dowrlam lamm-dour waterfall
draenog draeneg hedgehog
dreach dreach dreagh drych derch† look, aspect, expression, face
droichead drochaid droghad bridge
droim druim dreeym back, ridge
druil dril(e) drilley drill drill
drúth drùth drud drudh fool, dear, cherished
duais duais gift, prize, reward
dwyn don dougen to lead, bear, carry
dul dol goll to go
dybri debriñ to eat
éacht euchd aeth slaugher, exploit, pain
éadan aodann eddin font, face, facade
éadrom aotrom eddrym light, frivolous
éadromaigh aotromaich eddrymaghey to lighten
éag eug angau ankow ankow dead, death, deceased
eagla eagal aggle fear, horror
eallach eallaidh ollagh cattle, cow
earc earc erch mottled, speckled
eas eas assag stoat, weasel
eang efan wide, broad
eas eas eas waterfall
éasca èasga eayst moon
eascann easgann astan eel
ehedydd, hedydd evidit†, ahwesydh ehuedez†, alc'hweder (sky)lark
eidion ojyon ejon bullock, heifer
éigh èigh eie to cry (out), shout, call
éiligh eile† wylo ola gouelañ to cry, to weep, claim, prayer
eire eire errey arau load, burden
eitre eitre eerey rhych reg furrow, trench
eo eòeog eog eghek eog salmon
esgid eskis shoeboot
esna asna asney ais asownn rib
estron estren estren foreign, strange
ewig euhic† deer, hart, stag
fabhcún faolchon ffawcwn, ffawlcwn falghun falc'hun falcon, hawk
fad fad foddid length, distance, duration
fada fada foddey long, far, tall
fadhb fadhb uddan oddf knot, lump, problem
fáigh fàidh fadeyr gwawd seer, prophet, poem
fáinleog, áinleog fainnleag, ainnleag gwennol gwennol gwennel swallow, martin
fáinne fàinne fainey ring, circle, coil
fàl faayl, foll pâl pal pal scythe, spade, shovel
fairged† gwneud gul ober to do, to make
fann fann gwan gwann gwan weak, feeble
faol faol filliu wolf, wild dog
farraige fairge faarkey sea, ocean
fás fàs faase empty
fé† gwialen gwelen gwial, gwalenn rod(s), cane, pole
feadhain feadhain fwirran gwedd band, team, yoke, harness
féan feun fainagh wagon, cart, chariot
feannóg feannag fannag crow, rook
feic faic faik to see, to be
feoil feòil feill flesh, meat
fia fiadh feeaih deer
fiach fitheach feeagh gwyach raven, grebe, crake
fial fial feoilt gŵyl modest, seemly
fiar fiar gŵyr gwarr gwar crooked, bent, curve
file filidh feelee seer, poet
fine fine gouenn family, tribe, race
fios fios fys gwŷs knowledge, information
fliuchadh fliuchadh fliaghey rain, wetting
flúr plùr flooyr flour, flower
focal facal fockle gwaethl word, debate
fochraig gwobr gober gopr prize, reward, fee
foïd† aros gortos ober to wait, stay
folamh falamh follym empty
folc(tha) golchi golhi gwalc'hiñ to wash
forc forca fforc forgh forc'h fork
forás foras ffordd fordh street, alley, highway, journey, growth
fobhar gofer gover gou(v)er stream
fos fos ffos fos foz wall, butress, ditch
fosadh fosadh gwastad gwastas gou(e)stad stay, respite, flat, slow
foss† gwas gwas gwaz servant, boy, husband
frac† gwrach gwragh gwrac'h old woman, hag, witch
fuath fuath feoh fearful, horror, terror
fuar fuar feayr oer oor cold
fuirigh fuirich fariagh to stay, to abide
fuiseog uiseag ushag (sky)lark, bird
ffynnon fenten feunteun spring, fountain, well
gabhlán, gabhlán gaoithe gòbhlan, gobhlan-gaoithe gollan, gollan geayee swallow, swift, martin
gadhar gadhar beagle, hunting dog
gairr† gar garr gar leg, shank, thigh
galba galba gylfin gelvin golv beak, nose
gallu gallos gallout to be able to
gamhain gamhainn gauin calf
gan gun gyn ken without, otherwise
gaoth geodha giau inlet, estuary, cove
gaoth gaoth geay wind
garan garan garan crane, heron
gealach gealach giallagh moon
geir geir geirr gwêr fat, tallow, grease
giorria geàrr, gearrach, gearra(i)dh hare
giúrann giùran gwyran goirann† barnacle (goose)
glaw glaw glav rain
glór glòr glare voice, speech
gnáth gnàth gnawd gnas gnot† custom, habit, quality
gnúis gnùis grooish gnis greuv face, brow, jaw
gob gob gob beak, bill, point
gogledd gogledh gougleiz, gouglez left, north
goirt goirt gort salted, sore, bitter
golau golow gouloù light, bright, fair
gort gort garth orth garth field, garden, enclosure, hedge, plain
gráinneog gràineag graynoge hedgehog
grean, grian grean graean grit, gravel
grian grian grian sun
grineall grinneal grineen sea bed, gravel, grit
griothal grothal gro grow grouan gravel, shingle
gruaig gruag gruag hair
guth guth goo voice, word, reputation
gwaed goos gwad blood
gwddf, gwddw, gwddwg gouzoug, goûg throat, neck
gwenynen gwenenen gwenanenn (honey) bee
gwiber, colwiber wiber, naerwiber snake, adder, viper
gwyrdd gwyrdh, gwer gwer green
had has had seed
hanner hanter hanter half
hiraeth hireth hiraezh longing, homesick(ness), melancholy
huan huon sun, eye
hud hud hud magic
hwrdd hordh (h)ourz ram
iain yeyn yen cold, freezing, icy
iasc iasg eeast wysg fish
icht† iaith yeth yezh language, people
inbhear inbhir inver river mouth, estuary, confluence
inchinn eanchainn ymennydd ympynnyon empenn mind, brain
iníon nighean inneen, 'neen daughter, girl
intinn inntinn inçhyn brain
ith ith ee ysu esat† to eat
iwrch yorgh yourc'h roe-deer
latha laa day
lagh leigh law, respect
láib làban loub mire, mud, slime
láidir làidir lajer strong, powerful
lax† llaes lows laosk loose, slack, lax
lacha lach laagh duck
láir làir laair mare
lámhainn làmhainn lauean glove
lavrek lavreg trousers
le le lesh with, by
lean lean lhian(t) llynu to follow, to pursue, to infect
leastar leastar llestr lester lestr vessel, ship, cup, vase
leann llen len lenn cloak, mantle, curtain
léann léigheann llên lien lenn to read, reading, literature, learning
lear lear llŷr sea, ocean, channel
leiceann lethcheann lieckan cheek
léigh leugh lhaih lleaf, lleu to read, literature
leitir leitir hillside, slope
léine lèine lheiney shirt, tunic, girdle
leor leòr liooar llawer lowr many, enough
lia lèigh, lighiche lhee doctor, healer, physician
lios lios llys lis lez ringfort, court, fairy mound
líth lid festival, prosperity, ceremony
llanerch lannergh lanneg glade, clearing, pasture
llawen lowen, lowenek laouen happy, merry
llef lev leñv† shout, cry, voice
lloer loor loar moon
llygad lagas lagad eye
llysywen, 'slywen sylli silienn eel
loarn† llewyrn lowarn louarn fox
lobhar lobhar lourane llwfr lovr weak, cowardly, leper
lom lom lhome llwm lomm lomm bare, naked
lon, lon dubh lon, lòn-dubh lhondoo, lhonnag blackbird, thrush, ouzel
lón lòn food, repast, lunch
long long lhong llong ship, vessel
longach longadh lhongey meal, consuming, sustenance
lonn lonn llon merry, fierce, bold
lorg lorg lorgey to search
loth lhiy llwdn lodn loen filly, colt, animal, bullock
luaidhe luaidhe leoaie lead
luas lùthas laueys speed, earliness
luath luath leah lleygys, lleiges quick, fast, early, soon
luí† llyw lew levier rudder, pilot
macasamhail mac-samhail macsoyley like(ness), similar, instance
machaire machair magher magwyr moger plain, field, wall
madain madainn maddin, madjin morning
madra rua madadh-ruadh fox
madra uisce madadh-uisge moddey ushtey otter, beaver
madra, madadh madadh moddey madyn, madog dog, fox
magairle magairle maggle testicle
magu maga magañ to raise, feed, nurture
maide maide maidjey stick, wood, pole
maigheach mwaagh hare
maighean maen men maen stone, place
mair mair to live
mala mala mollee malvenn eyebrow, eyelid, eyelash
mall mall moal slow, late
mathúin mathan maghouin bear
mear mear merre miri meri quick, fast, lively
méar meur mair finger, toe
mechdeyrn, mychdeyrn, machdeyrn metern, myghtern machtiern† king
meddyg medhek mezeg doctor
melyn melyn melen yellow, blonde
milis milis millish melys melys sweet
míol mór mial-mhór meeyl mooar whale, sea monster
min min min lip, mouth, pout
minseach minnseag, minnseach minjagh nanny goat
miotóg, mitín miotag miten, mitin miton mitten, glove
moch moch mogh moch meuch† early, soon
mòd mod assembly, gathering, meeting
moirb† morgrugyn, mor, mŷr, myrr moryon merion ant
mol mol moyl moli meuliñ to praise
mol mol
mul hub, axle, >nave
moncaí moncaidh, muncaidh mwnci, mynci, monci monkey
morthwyl morthol morzhol hammer
muineál muineal mwannal mwnwgl, mwnwg, mynwgl neck
muinithir† mynd mos monet to go
muintir muinntir mooinjer household, folk, family
muirm(h)il† morfil morvil morvil whale, fish
mullach mullach mullagh top, roof
múr mùr mur mur wall
nant nans ant stream
nasc naisg naisht naskañ to bind, to fasten
neacht nigh nith nith, noyth nizh niece, daughter
nigh nigh niee to wash
nimh nimh nieu poison, venom
nocht nochd noeth noth noazh naked, bare
nod nòd nod nos not note, mark, symbol
oide oide gegjey foster-father, teacher, tutor
oighear eigh iain yeyn yen frost, ice
oileán eilean ellan island
olc olc olk evil, bad
olhau holya heulian to follow, to trace
ól òl oyl to drink
oráid òraid oraid arawt areth speech, lecture, oration, prayer
ord òrd oard gordd horzh hammer
ortha ortha incantation, spell, charm
os os ych oghen oc'hen ox, deer
paidir paidir padjer prayer, devotion, paternoster
pailliún pàillean paal(an) pavilhon pavilion, tent
parod parys pared ready, convenient, cooked
paróiste parasite parish
peall peall pall pall pelt, skin, blanket, cloak
pell pell pell far, disant, long
pen-glin, pen-lin penn glin, pedn glin penn-glin knee
pendefig pennsevik, pednsyvik pinvidik chief, prince, rich
píce pìc pig pig pik pickaxe, pike, peak
pigell pigell pigell goad, hoe, mattock
piosa pìos peesh pis piece, bit
piseog pisreag pishag pystri charm, spell, magic, sorcery
plwyf pluw ploue parish, countryside
pís† pwys poos pouez weight, heavy, important
pobi pobas pobat to bake
poeth pooth poazh hot, cooked
pont pons pont bridge
porchell porghel porc'helleg piglet, sow
porth porth porzh portal, door, gate, courtyard
príosún prìosan pryssoon prison prizon prison
pryd prys pred time, moment
puball pùball pabell pabel pabell tent, pavilion
pysgod pysk, pesk pesked fish
rásúr ràsar rhesar, razor r(h)asel, rasal razher razor
ráth ràth raah rampart, ring-fort
raon rheam run field, garden, enclosure, hedge, plain
re ri rish with, to, against, as
réilig réilig, réileag ruillick, rhullick graveyard, ossuary
reithe reithe rea ram
rhyd rys red ford
rhydd rydh rid† free, cheap
ruighe roih forearm, arm
rian rian rane course, path, method, river
rian rian rane course, path, method, river
riathar rhaeadr waterfall, torrent
ród rathad raad rhawd roud road, course, route
ríomh rìomh† rhif, cyfrif riv riñv number, to count
sabhall sabhal soalt barn, granary
saill saill sahll salted meat, fat, blubber
sáith sàth saie sufficiency, fill
sámh sàimh peace, tranquility, rest
sámhach sàmhach silent, quiet, calm
Samhain Samhain Sauin, Souney Halloween, November
samonsamwn sowman somon salmon
sanas sanas sannish hanes hanas whisper, history, secret
saol saoghal seihll world, existence, lifetime
saor saor seyr free, cheap
saor saor seyr saer ser craftsman, carpenter, mason
sarff serpont, sarf sarpant snake, serpent
saveeney huno to sleep, slumber
scamall sgòth cloud
scamhógach sgamhanach scowanagh ysgyfeinaidd, ysgyfeiniol skevent pulmonary
scian sgian skyeen ysgïen, sgien skejañ knife, to sever
sealbh sealbh shelloo (h)elw luck, fortune, profit
seicheamh sewya to follow, to pursue
sgiarnag ysgyfarnog, sgyfarnog skovarnek scouarnec hare, long-eared
scornach sgòrnan scoarnagh throat, mouth
scréachóg, scréachóg choille sgreuchag, sgreuchag-choille screeaghag, screeaghag cheylley sgrechog, (y)sgrech y coed jay
séad séad hynt hens, hyns hent path, way, course, road
seangán seangan sniengan ant
searrach searrach sharragh foal
séd† hydd heizes stag, hart, deer
segur syger sigur idle, lazy, slow
seileán seillean shellan bee
seill seill sahll fat, blubber, suet
ser† sêr ster ster river, star
sgìre skeerey, skylley parish
sicir shickyr sicr, siŵr sur segur sure, cetain, shrewd
sionnach sionnach, seannach shynnagh fox
siúil siubhail shooill to walk
sith-† hyd hes hed length, long, extent
slí slighe sleayd path, track, offspring
slaod slaod sleayd layer, raft, trudge
sliabh sliabh slieau mountain, moorland, hillside
slige slige shlig shell, hull, scale
sliocht sliochd sluight llwybr path, track, section, offspring
sluasaid sluasaid sleayst shovel, spade
smarach, (lad) merch myrgh merc'h daughter, girl
smólach smeòrach, smèarach, smaolach mwyalch molgh, molgh dhu moualc'h, moualc'h zu blackbird, thrush, ouzel
snaidhm snaidhm sniem nadd nascañ knot, carving, hinder
sneachta sneachd sniaghtey nyf snow
soc hwch hogh ho(u)c'h sow, pig, swine
sona sona sonney happy, merry
sonn sonn ffon stake, post, stick
spéir speur speyr sffêr sfer, sphère sky, sphere
spúnóg spàin spein spoon
stàilinn staillin steel
stoirm stoirm sterrym (y)storm storm
stuth stoo stwff stoff material, stuff, substance
swyf soov soav tallow, fat, grease
sych sygh, segh sec'h dry
sychu segha sec'hañ to dry
swyddfa sodhva office
tábhairne tabhairn tafarn tavern tavarn tavern, pub
tad tas tad father
táilliúir tàillear thalhear teiliwr tailher tailor
tál tàl taal adze
talamh talamh thalloo ground, earth, land
téad teud tead tant tant rope, cord, string
taoiseach toiseach toshiagh tywysog toguisoc† chief, leader, prince
tapa tapadh tappee quick, fast, cleverness
tar, tig thig tar, çheet to come
te teth çheh heat
tearmann tèarmann terfyn santuary, refuge, boundary
téigh tèid ardwy† to go
teimheal tywyll tew(a)l teñval darkness, gloom
thuaidh tuath twoaie left, north
tinne teine, tinne glastannen glastanen tann(enn) oak, holm oak, gorse, whin, furze
tirim tioram çhirrym dry
tláith tlàth tlawd weak, mild, poor
tobar tobar tubbyr source, well, spring
toddi teudha, teudhi teuziñ to thaw, to melt
tom tom tom tom hillock, knoll, mound
tonn tonn ton ton† tonn surface, land, skin
tonóg tunnag thunnag duck
tongaid† tyngu ti(a) touiñ to swear, vow
torc torc twrch torgh tourc'h wild boar, hog
trácht traeth treth traezh beach, shore, sand
tráth tràth traa trawd(d) trad time, hour, course, way
treibh treabh, treubh tre(f) trev trev town, house, farmstead
trigio, godrig(af) triga guotric† to live, to remain
tríocha trichead treead tregont thirty
triomaigh tiormaich chyrmaghey to dry
trist trist trist sad
triús triubhas troosyn trywsus, trowsus, trywser trousers
tro tro tro rotation, cycle, surround
troi troyllya treiñ to turn, spin
troid trod troddan fight, quarrel
trom trom trome trwm trom† heavy
truis druid treshlen tresglen dresk blackbird, thrush, ouzel
truth dluzh trout
trwyn tron stroen nose, snot
tua tuagh teigh axe, hatchet
tuit tuit tuitt to fall
tús tùs tywys beginning, front, lead(er)
twym tomm, tobm tomm warm, hot
tyfu tevy teñviñ to grow
tylluan toud owl
tyno tnow traoñ, traou valley, dale, bottom
tús tùs tywys beginning, front, lead(er)
tywydd tewedha weather
uabhar uabhar ofer euver euver vain, pride, worthless, bland
uachtarán uachdaran eaghtyran(e) president, laird, chief
uafásach uabhasach horrible, terrible
uaigh uaigh oaie, oaye grave, tomb
uaine uaine eayney, geayney green
ualach uallach burden, load
uath uabhas uthr euth euz horror, dread, fright
ucht uchd ught chest, breast, lap
uimhir fuimhir nifer niver niver number
uisce uisge ushtey water
ulchabhán ullaid hullad oula owl
ullamh ullamh ullee ready, finished, prepared
umha umha ooha efydd copper, bronze, brass
úr ùr oor ir yr new, fresh, verdant
urnaí ùrnaigh yeearree prayer
ursa ors ourz bear
wybr ebron oabl sky, air
yfory a-vorow (w)arc'hoazh tomorrow
ysgafnhau skafhe skañvaad to lighten
ysgyfarn† skovarn skouarn ear, handle


Celtic cognates

Complete Cognates, Partial Cognates . Cognates arranged thematically: Adjectives | Animals | Birds | Clothes | Colours | Conjunctions | Countries | Directions | Food and Drink | Landscape | Buildings | Languages | Metals | Musical terms | Numbers | Parts of the body | People | Pronouns | Prepositions | Sea creatures | Time expressions | Trees and Plants | Verbs | Weather | Tools | Other words | Names



The Celtiadur blog is a collection of Celtic cognates, with definitions, pronunciation, etymologies - includes the modern Celtic languages, older versions of these languages, such as Middle Welsh, Middle Breton and Old Irish, and their extinct and reconstructed relatives and ancestors, including Gaulish, Proto-Brythonic and Proto-Celtic.

Celtic Pathways

Celtic Pathways

On the Celtic Pathways podcast I discuss connections between the Celtic languages, and look for words with Celtic roots in non-Celtic languages, such as English, French, Spanish, Galician and Portuguese.

Information about Celtic languages

Breton, Celtiberian, Cornish, Cumbric, Gaulish, Irish, Lepontic, Lusitanian, Manx, Scottish Gaelic, Welsh


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